Obama Lied, People Died | The New Republic

Obama Lied, People Died

Pete Wehner has uncovered a new Obama Lie:

In his commencement address, Obama insists he doesn’t know how to work an iPod. But here’s an item that appeared on the Huffington Post on June 25, 2008:
WASHINGTON — Bob Dylan. Yo-Yo Ma. Sheryl Crow. Jay-Z. These aren’t musical acts in a summer concert series: They’re artists featured on Barack Obama’s iPod.
“I have pretty eclectic tastes,” the Democratic presidential contender said in an interview to be published in Friday’s issue of Rolling Stone.
Is that distant sound we hear the Truth Meter going off again?

Stop the lies, Mr. President.

But wait -- is it possible that Obama owns an Ipod but doesn't know how to work it? Maybe a staffer operates it for him? If Republicans take control of the House, they can subpeona Reggie Love and get to the bottom of this.