Who Murdered The 41 Sufi Muslims in Lahore? A Multiple Choice Question | The New Republic

Who Murdered The 41 Sufi Muslims in Lahore? A Multiple Choice Question

It was a suicide attack by three killers, one a 15-year-old boy. Staged at the shrine of a Sufi saint in Lahore, the explosions were specially engineered to wreak the greatest havoc to life. According to Asia News, “investigators believe the explosives contained metal balls and shrapnel for a more violent impact.” June was the first month in two years without such extravagant explosions. On May 29, however, 93 people were killed in a double attack, also in Lahore, on the minority Ahmadiyya mosque, place of worship of another heresy. Who considers these folks heretics? The Wahabis, of course, financed and tutored from their spiritual center in Saudi Arabia. Spirit, indeed.

So who committed or arranged the murders?

 a. nationalist Jews

 b. Pope Benedict

 c. atheists from the upper West Side

 d. nudists from the cote d’azure

 e. the Archbishop of Canterbury

 f. extremist Muslims

President Obama doesn’t think there are extremist Muslims. So “f” is ruled out. Maybe Attorney General Holder has an idea?