Frozen Grasshopper on the Bar | The New Republic

Frozen Grasshopper on the Bar

Next time I visit family and attend a Miami Dolphins game, perhaps I'll bring my own drinks.

According to ESPN's "Outside the Lines," which reviewed health inspection records at 107 major league sport venues across the country, 93 percent of the vendors at Sun Life Stadium (where the Dolphins play) had "critical violations" of the health code. According to one report:

In June 2009, an employee complained anonymously that small insects and other debris were blended into frozen alcoholic beverages at a stand where equipment wasn’t being cleaned. When inspectors checked, they issued a critical violation for a buildup of slime inside the frozen drinks machine.

A note to readers on the far right: You should think about who's going to inspect restaurants for safety when and if you succeed in drastically reducing government revenues.

That is, unless you like your cocktails extra crunchy.

(Via the Palm Beach Post. And edited for clarity at the end.)