Who's On Team Crist? | The New Republic

Who's On Team Crist?

I've always thought that you can understand about 90% of what you need to know about a politician's beliefs by looking at who advises them. Charlie Crist now has a lot of Democrats working for him:

Two of the major power players now steering the Crist ship are Eric Johnson, who was chief of staff for former Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) and Josh Isay, the former chief of staff to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and co-founder of Knickerbocker SKD, the consulting firm.
Isay will handle media, and Johnson will direct the political operation in population-heavy South Florida, where the critical counties of Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe are seated.
“Thirty percent of the votes in a general election come from the four southeastern counties,” Doster said. “Democrats can win in Florida by carrying seven to 12 counties out of the 67, if they do it right. Charlie has built a team designed to help him find Democratic votes in southeastern Florida.”