Islamphobia A Minority Sentiment In Tennessee | The New Republic

Tennessee Tolerance

An encouraging poll from the Volunteer State:

Two-thirds of Tennesseans, 66 percent, “agree” or “strongly agree” that Muslims should have the same religious rights as other Americans, compared with only 14 percent who “disagree” or “strongly disagree.” Only 4 percent say that they “neither agree nor disagree.” …
When presented with the prospect of a hypothetical Islamic community center and place of worship being proposed “near where you live,” poll participants responded similarly. Forty-three percent said that they would “neither support nor oppose” construction, 30 percent said that they would “oppose” or “strongly oppose” construction, and 23 percent said that they would “support” or “strongly support” construction.

Meanwhile, on Fox News, intolerance continues apace:

Really, Brian Kilmeade? You're not aware that there are non-Muslim terrorists? Even in the United States?