Karl Rove's Modest, Humble, $7 Million Donor | The New Republic

A Modest Man

More Karl Rove-y goodness from Face the Nation:

BOB SCHIEFFER: All right. One of the people who did contribute to one of your organizations and whose name was made public was the man named Bob Perry, I think, a Texas homebuilder. He gave seven million dollars.

BOB SCHIEFFER: What does someone expect for a seven million dollar donation?
KARL ROVE: Yeah. Well, I can’t speak to others but I know what Bob Perry expects and that is absolutely nothing. I’ve known him for thirty years. He’s one of the most selfless individuals I’ve ever known and I’ve never received a phone call from Bob Perry asking for a darn thing. He is a true believer. He believes in our country. He’s concerned about its future. He gives away most of what he earns what-- to charitable and political and philanthropic causes and lives a modest lifestyle. And it’s the kind of person that Ame-- Americans should be proud to have.

I'm sure that's true, to the extent that you can live a modest lifestyle while owning a 13,000 square foot home