TNR Readers Pick Some of Their Favorite Articles | The New Republic

TNR Readers Pick Some of Their Favorite Articles

Last weekend, The New Republic turned 96, and, to celebrate, we ran a collection of our editors’ favorite pieces from the magazine’s archives of essays, criticism, and investigative features. We had pieces by Michael Lewis, Herbert Croly, Michael Kinsley, and other fantastic journalists—even one by blogger extraordinaire Jonathan Chait. In response, TNR readers told us about some of their own favorite pieces. We liked the suggestions so much that we decided to run a few of them here. Enjoy!

The Global Zeitgeist Checklist: England,” by Michael Kinsley

Feelings of Warmth,” by Michael Kinsley (on the American edition of A. S. Byatt's Possession)

A Groom of One’s Own,” by Brent Shaw (on John Boswell's Same Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe)

Greek to Him: An Open Letter to Ex-Professor Newt,” by Peter Green

Here Comes the Groom: A (Conservative) Case for Gay Marriage,” by Andrew Sullivan

Human, All Too Inhuman,” by James Wood (on Zadie Smith’s White Teeth)

Warren Beatty’s Triumph,” by Stanley Kauffmann (on the film Reds)

Rogue State: A Case Against Delaware,” by Jonathan Chait