Fox News Exposes Obama As Indian, Not Kenyan, Anti-Colonialist | The New Republic

Fox News Exposes Obama As Indian, Not Kenyan, Anti-Colonialist

If you've ever seen "Airplane 2 -- and, to be sure, I am not recommending that you do so -- there is a funny complication of television news coverage from around the world of an impending shuttle disaster:

Buffalo Anchorman: Our top story tonight, Four-alarm fire rages through Downtown Buffalo. Also in the news, Lunar Shuttle heads for the Sun, and certain disaster.
Tokyo Anchorman: Our top story tonight, Four-alarm fire rages through Downtown Tokyo. Also in the news, American Lunar Mission locked in death struggle.
Moscow Anchorman: [with a gun pointed to his head] A Four-alarm fire in Downtown Moscow clears way for a glorious new tractor factory. And on the lighter side of the news, Hundreds of Capitalists are soon to perish in Shuttle disaster.

Somehow Fox News has managed to exceed even this parody. Per Gawker, USA Today has a typical soft-focus feature on President Obama's book for children. Headline:

Obama shares dreams for his kids in book on 13 Americans

Fox News ran with the story on its website, but tweaked the focus a bit to emphasize the fact that the book praises Sitting Bull. Here is the Fox News headline:

Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Killed U.S. General