Shocker: Evan Bayh To K Street | The New Republic

Shocker: Evan Bayh To K Street

Evan Bayh announced last year that he would not be seeking reelection, and gave a pious speech deploring partisanship.  "If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months," he announced. And now, just a few weeks into his post-public service life, he has already created a job -- for himself:

Former Sen. Evan Bayh is joining McGuireWoods LLP as a partner in Washington, the law firm will announce on Monday.
The just-retired Democratic lawmaker and former governor will serve as a strategic adviser on policy matters to clients of the firm as well as its consulting subsidiary. Mr. Bayh, a centrist Democrat who was a member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee as well as the Banking Committee during his two terms in the Senate, likely will be spending a lot of time on banking policy as well as energy and climate-change policy.

I'm sure his new job will offer plenty of opportunities for bipartisanship.