Bieber, Bibi Arguing Over Shape Of Table | The New Republic

Bieber, Bibi Arguing Over Shape Of Table

More botched diplomacy from Netanyahu:

The teenage pop idol Justin Bieber became embroiled in a diplomatic imbroglio on Tuesday when it emerged that plans for a meeting between the singer and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel had been called off, with the sides differing over why. ...
A spokesman for Mr. Netanyahu said that his office had been approached with the idea of a meeting, and that the prime minister had been “open to that.” The prime minister’s office then suggested including children from communities in southern Israel that have been under intense rocket fire from Gaza in recent days.
“Sadly,” the spokesman said, “that proved impossible,” suggesting that Mr. Bieber’s representatives had turned down the idea of including the children.

This is not reassuring me about Netanyahu's ability to close a peace deal with the Palestinians.