The Country's Oddest Lobbies | The New Republic

The Country's Oddest Lobbies

THE BALLOON COUNCIL: “to educate consumers and regulators about the wonders of metallic and latex balloons and the proper handling of them” and “affirming America’s ongoing love affair with balloons.”

MEN'S DEFENSE ASSOCIATION: “In defense of fathers, family, and manhood, since 1971.”

THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ROCKETRY: “advances the hobby of sport rocketry” and seeks “to ensure that rocketry continues to be safe, educational, and fun.”

NATIONAL BISON ASSOCIATION: “a non-profit association of producers, processors, marketers and bison enthusiasts” that aims “to bring together stakeholders to celebrate the heritage of American bison/buffalo, to educate, and to create a sustainable future for our industry.”


We couldn’t conclude this list without mentioning THE AMERICAN LEAGUE OF LOBBYISTS: a lobby for lobbyists!