Academic Freedom, The Hebrew University And Masochism | The New Republic

Academic Freedom, The Hebrew University And Masochism

No one will bitch, probably no one will even picket.  And, of course, no
one will take responsibility for the sheer nonsense of the argument.

I wonder whether Walt and Mearsheimer, now that they will be in the
neighborhood, will take their message to Cairo, Damascus, Riyadh.

Subject: Visit by Steve Walt and John Mearsheimer, June 12, 2008

Jerusalem, May 21, 2008

Dear students and colleagues,

Apologies for writing in English,

The Dept. of Political Science and the Dept. of International Relations
would like to invite you to attend a lecture by Profs. Steve Walt
(Harvard) and John Mearsheimer (Chicago) on their recent and polemic book on the
Israeli Lobby. The lecture will take place on June 12, 2008, at 1230 in
Room 2102. See attached the title and abstract of their talk.

Best of all,
Arie K.
Prof. Arie M. Kacowicz,
Department of International Relations,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Stephen Walt (Harvard) and Prof. John Mearsheimer (Chicago)

Is the 'Israel lobby" good for Israel?

Abstract: In recent decades U.S. Middle East policy has been strongly influenced by the political activities of the "Israel lobby," a loose coalition of groups and individuals that works openly to encourage the "special relationship" between the United States and Israel. This talk will identify the main features of this special interest group, explain how it works to shape U.S. policy, and suggest that its influence has been unintentionally harmful to Israel itself.