Noam Chomsky will vote for Hillary Clinton, but only because that other guy doesn’t stand a chance. | The New Republic

Noam Chomsky will vote for Hillary Clinton, but only because that other guy doesn’t stand a chance.


The famous linguist said today in an interview with Al Jazeera’s UpFront that if he lived in a swing state he would cast his vote for Clinton ahead of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, or another Republican. As for Sanders? Chomsky said he supports the “New Dealer,” but isn’t optimistic about how he’ll fare in the general election. 

“I frankly think that in our system of mainly bought elections he doesn’t have much of a chance, but if he were elected I think he would—of the current candidates—I think he’d be the one who would have, from my point of view, the best policies,” Chomsky said.

It’s hardly a ringing endorsement for Clinton, but as Sanders closes in, her campaign will probably take what it can get.