Morning Joe doth protest too much, methinks. | The New Republic

Morning Joe doth protest too much, methinks.

The relationship between “Morning” Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, the cohosts of MSNBC’s morning show Morning Joe, and Donald Trump has come under scrutiny over the past couple of weeks, after reports emerged that Morning Joe and Mika had watched returns from the New Hampshire primary with Trump in his hotel room. (For what it’s worth, MSNBC vehemently denied these claims.) MSNBC staffers have reportedly expressed concern about how close the relationship is. And all of this was made much worse after Morning Joe and Mika hosted a softball, lightweight, puff-piece, marshmallow of a town hall with Trump earlier this week. 

The criticism seems to be getting to the pair of early birds. On today’s show, a segment about Joe Biden went completely off the rails, after Morning Joe decided that enough was enough and everyone was just mad at him and Mika because of how right they were, not because, you know, they have a (possibly borderline) unethical relationship with a presidential candidate. Things only get more twisted and amazing—Joe Scarborough may be the American Alan Partridge I have been looking for—after that. 

(H/T Gawker)