Donald Trump is going to give a “major” speech next week about the Clintons. | The New Republic

Donald Trump is going to give a “major” speech next week about the Clintons.

Kena Betancur/Getty Images

He said the speech will be delivered “probably Monday,” and will go over “all of the things that have taken place with the Clintons.” This is clearly his response to the broadside that Hillary Clinton dealt him last week. The difference is that Clinton hid her attack in the Trojan horse of a “major” foreign policy speech, while Trump, as usual, is ditching the subtlety and billing his speech as simply a “major” attack on the Clintons. Get ready to revisit that time Hillary murdered Vince Foster!

Still, that this was the highlight of Trump’s victory speech on Tuesday night is evidence that he has internalized the Republican Party’s criticism of his handling of the controversy surrounding Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Trump didn’t express remorse—he even obliquely declared that he will “never back down” on matters of principle—but the fact that Curiel went unmentioned was taken as a signal that Trump is prepared to move on. The GOP certainly is.