Here’s Hillary Clinton acknowledging her Warren-for-VP conundrum. | The New Republic

Here’s Hillary Clinton acknowledging her Warren-for-VP conundrum.

After watching Clinton campaign with Elizabeth Warren in Ohio Monday, it’s difficult to visualize her spending the next four months headlining a bunch of sleepy rallies with Tim Kaine, who lacks Warren’s charisma and legions of enthusiastic fans.

Clinton herself seemed to acknowledge this conundrum with a very intentional nod to Warren’s signature issue, which played like a Rorschach test for interpreting Clinton’s thought process as she considers who to select as her running mate.

After beating Donald Trump, Clinton and Warren (excuse me, “Elizabeth”) “will take a day off* for the inauguration**,” and then get to work on legislation to ease student debt (again, Warren’s signature issue) as a top tier Democratic priority.

Left unsaid is whether she and Warren will be working together from opposite ends of Pennsylvania Avenue or at the White House. In either case, Hillary Clinton wants Elizabeth Warren’s supporters to know that she will work very closely with Elizabeth Warren.

*Inauguration 2017 is on a Friday, when the Senate generally has the day off anyhow.

**Vice presidents get sworn in at the inauguration, too.