Ted Cruz has carpet-bombed Donald Trump’s big day. Will Trump strike back? | The New Republic

Ted Cruz has carpet-bombed Donald Trump’s big day. Will Trump strike back?

Chip Somodevilla/Getty

Thursday was supposed to be Trump’s coronation as the Republican nominee, the culmination of an improbable rise to the top of American politics. But so far, it has been all about Ted Cruz’s revenge, which has absolutely enveloped everything else that’s gone on at the Republican National Convention. (Trump’s NATO comments represent another headache for the candidate.)

Cruz has continued to stir the pot over and over, informing the press that he was motivated by a personal vendetta and that he had no intention of ever endorsing a man who had insulted his wife and father. By keeping the spotlight on himself, Cruz can keep his revenge plot going—but he has also put a bullseye on his back, and few people should expect Trump to be disciplined enough to avoid taking a shot. That might be the whole point.

It’s a distinct possibility that Trump will hit Ted Cruz—a rival he technically bested two months ago—in his acceptance speech. Which means that Cruz could, once again, serve to wreck the whole idea of party unity, making Trump look like an even weaker candidate who is unable to bring together Republicans.