What Trump’s surrogates really mean when they use the word “literally.” | The New Republic

What Trump’s surrogates really mean when they use the word “literally.”

One of the worst degenerations of the English language has been the use of “literally” when people are actually speaking figuratively. But in the case of Trump’s surrogates, this is providing an amazing insight into their own psychological projection. Yesterday, Katrina Pierson claimed on Fox News that the voters “are tired of seeing left-wing reporters literally beat Trump supporters into submission, into supporting policies they don’t agree with.”

Of course, it’s Trump supporters who have inflicted literal violence on people, including reporters. Add to this Sean Hannity, who used “literally” in a very revealing way this morning, lambasting the “coverage that CNN offers in this presidential race, as they literally kiss Hillary Clinton’s ass, and Obama’s ass, every day.”

For the last year-and-a-half, Hannity has been Trump’s single-most dedicated booster on TV, using his one-hour slot on Fox News to do everything except literally kiss Trump’s ass.