The Era of the Hipster Mayor Is Upon Us | The New Republic

The Era of the Hipster Mayor Is Upon Us

Robyn Beck/Getty

The press has long relied on a few ready stereotypes of hipster jobs. Barista. Vice columnist. Artisinal-anything-maker. It might be time to add big-city mayor to that list.

In New York City, we appear poised to elect Bill DeBlasio, the Wire-loving, Park-Slope-living, Sandanista-supporting, Autobiography of Malcolm X-reading Democratic candidate as our next mayor. But the East Coast may merely be picking up on the West Coast's lead. Today, the New York Times profiles Los Angeles' new mayor, Eric Garcetti, who break dances, wrote for Slate, and "has talked longingly about growing his own vegetables and maybe even raising his own chickens." His sustainable Echo Park home—built with recycled and locally-sourced materials and featuring solar power, home composting, and Vatne Møbler rosewood lounge chairs—was featured in Dwell.

Your move, Portland