Macklemore has a new song about white privilege that you should listen to. Especially if you’re white. | The New Republic

Macklemore has a new song about white privilege that you should listen to. Especially if you’re white.

The song released today, “White Privilege II,” is a sequel of sorts. In 2005, the Grammy-winning musician released a song with recording partner Ryan Lewis entitled, natch, “White Privilege,” in which the white Seattle-based rapper acknowledged his own role as a gentrifier of hip-hop.

Where’s my place in a music that’s been taken by my race

Culturally appropriated by the white face

And we don’t want to admit that this is existing

So scared to acknowledge the benefits of our white privilege

Macklemore has now expanded the frame of his white-privilege critique from hip-hop to America at large. While he adds in a searing verse blasting his fellow white artists, he focuses mainly on his insecurity at a racial justice protest and, later, evokes the Walter Scott shooting in an interaction with a white mom who opines that “if a cop pulls you over, it’s your fault if you run.” Vocalist Jamila Woods closes out the nearly nine-minute missive against unearned advantage and co-opting blackness.

As often is the case with Macklemore’s music, the biggest problem here is his mediocre talent. But you should listen to it. As he says in the song, America feels safe with his music in its speakers. If white people don’t want to hear black people confront them about their privilege, perhaps they won’t mind when Macklemore does it. All shade aside, that’s a good thing.