Sony is probably doing something involving Labyrinth—just don’t say it’s remaking it. | The New Republic

Sony is probably doing something involving Labyrinth—just don’t say it’s remaking it.

Over the weekend, Variety reported that Sony was rebooting the cult classic, which starred David Bowie as Jareth, the baby-stealing glammy Goblin King who loves sweet orbs. According to the initial report, Lisa Henson—daughter of Labyrinth director Jim Henson—was set to produce the project, while Guardians of the Galaxy screenwriter Nicole Perlman would write the script. 

People flipped out, which isn’t terribly surprising. Bowie’s recent death meant that Labyrinth was on a lot of people’s minds—anyone born after, say, 1975 was just as likely to be introduced to Bowie by his eerie performance as by his music. And half the country was being snowed into oblivion and didn’t have anything better to do than freak out about a new Labyrinth

But Variety’s report may not be entirely accurate. Perlman responded on social media by vigorously denying that she’s working on a “remake” of the “perfect film.” Perlman is working on something with Henson & Co., however, and has been since 2014—it may be a sequel or other “continuation” to Labyrinth, it might not. But it is not, under any circumstance, a remake.