Who will President Obama nominate to the Supreme Court to replace Antonin Scalia? | The New Republic

Who will President Obama nominate to the Supreme Court to replace Antonin Scalia?

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There’s a distinct possibility that the Republican-controlled Senate won’t confirm anyone nominated by Obama. But here’s a short list of contenders.

Lorretta Lynch: The 83rd attorney general of the United States, aka the “FIFA hunter.”

Eric Holder Jr.: The 82nd attorney general of the United States, aka Obama’s “heat shield.”

Sri Srinivasan: A judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, aka Obama’s “Supreme Court nominee in waiting.”

Goodwin Liu: California Supreme Court justice, aka a feared “left-wing ideologue.”

Kamala Harris: Attorney general of California, aka “the next Barack Obama.”

Jane Kelly and Patricia Ann Millett: Judges for the Eighth Circuit and the District of Columbia Circuit, respectively, aka more moderate jurists who may have a shot at sneaking through a Republican Senate.

Donald Verrilli: Solicitor general of the United States, aka gay marriage hero, Obamacare defender.

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