Grierson & Leitch Episode 32: The Worst Summer Ever, Almost Famous, Garden State | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 32: The Worst Summer Ever, Almost Famous, Garden State

Our critics take a break from new releases on their podcast this week and instead reflect on what Grierson believes is the worst summer movie season of his lifetime. Was there anything worthwhile to salvage it? Were there any great performances? Was anything worse than Warcraft? (No.)

Then, in their Reboot section, they try not to destroy your memories by digging into 2000’s Almost Famous, directed by Cameron Crowe, and also the much-derided but much-beloved Garden State, Zach Braff’s 2004 winsome comedy about manic pixie dream girls and The Shins. To suggest a Reboot film, leave the show an iTunes review (and subscribe!) and please include the name of a movie at the end.