Grierson & Leitch Episode 47: Is ‘Rogue One’ Any Good? | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 48: Is Rogue One Any Good?


Special Star Wars show alert! Usually we look at several movies on each episode of the podcast, but in the week that a Star Wars movie comes out, we focus just on that Star Wars movie. Thus, a entire episode devoted to Rogue One.

Of all of our discussions of this year, this one might be the most contentious, as Grierson and Leitch are on opposite sides: One of them thinks Rogue One is “magnificent,” and the other thinks it’s a complete mess. Which one is right? Listen and find out.

Let us know what you think @griersonleitch or (We’re doing a mailbag show after the new year, so send us questions.) As always, leave us a review on iTunes with the name of a movie you’d like us to review and we’ll discuss it on a later podcast.