Grierson & Leitch Episode 57: Oscars Recap | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 57: Oscars Recap

Mark Ralston/Getty Images

So ... those Oscars sure were something! We recap the 2017 Oscars, including the crazy-pants, WHAT? moment in which La La Land was briefly and erroneously awarded the Best Picture Oscar before it was rightly given to Moonlight. For all the Monday morning quarterbacking, though, we find that the moment wasn’t just a WTF one—it was actually downright inspired. Jordan Horowitz for president.

The Oscars did not stop us from our regular appointed rounds. We dug into the big new release of the weekend, Get Out, the Jordan Peele horror-comedy. Then, in our Reboot section, we got very dark: 1995’s Se7en and 1978’s The Deer Hunter. Neither will make you feel positive about humanity. But hopefully this podcast will!

We hope you enjoy. Let us know what you think @griersonleitch on Twitter, or (We’re doing a mailbag show soon, so send us questions.) As always, give us a review on iTunes with the name of a movie you’d like us to review, and we’ll discuss it on a later podcast.