“Former colleagues of Sean Spicer” tell Axios that the ex-press secretary and star of the Emmys “filled notebook after notebook” during meetings with Donald Trump. That could be very bad for Trump! But Spicer, says Mike Allen, isn’t talking:

This is very funny and very strange. Sending unsolicited emails and texts is, well, journalism. Spicer could simply refuse to comment, but this reads like a futile attempt to opt out of being asked questions at all. Which is not how anything works.
He had his brief beautiful moment in the Emmys sun, and is still a Harvard fellow despite being the mouthpiece of a racist authoritarian, but Spicer’s post-Trump rebranding effort has run into a few obstacles. The Daily Beast reported on Wednesday that he has yet to land any of the media deals a former press secretary can typically expect:
Not even One America News Network, a JV Fox News that hired and then fired former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, wants to hire Spicer. “We have talked to him [since he left the Trump administration], but right now we have no interest,” Robert Herring, the channel’s chief executive, told The Daily Beast on Wednesday.
Allen hints that Spicer’s reputed penchant for note-taking could make him an inviting target for Robert Mueller. Spicer could even get his revenge on administration officials he hates, though that depends on what the Mueller investigation reveals about Spicer’s own dealings during his time in the White House. His furious messages to Allen reads like a desperate attempt to stem any further inquiries on this matter.
And he doesn’t have many options. He can try telling Mueller not to contact him if he wants, but that’ll work on Mueller about as well as it did on Allen.