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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Sean Spicer
January 22, 2021
Alex Shephard
Can the White House Press Briefing Be Saved?
Yes, new press secretary Jen Psaki is getting raves. That doesn’t mean televised briefings are worthwhile.
May 7, 2019
Matt Ford
The Ignoble Afterlife of the Trump Staffer
John Kelly is the latest former official to cash in on his experience working for a corrupt and immoral administration.
July 2, 2018
Alex Shephard
Donald Trump is excellent at selling books that trash him; mediocre at selling books that praise him.
October 26, 2017
Elizabeth Drew
Who Knew Trump Would Be a Weak President?
He campaigned with a lot of swagger. But his first nine months in office have been defined by indecision, vacillation, and a reluctance to call shots.
September 21, 2017
Alex Shephard
People close to Donald Trump do not seem to have seen
The Wire
September 21, 2017
Sarah Jones
What is Sean Spicer hiding?
September 18, 2017
Alex Shephard
As a country, we need to ostracize and shame Sean Spicer.
September 15, 2017
Clio Chang
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is Worse Than Sean Spicer
Yes, the press secretary is better at her job. But that is bad news for the rest of us.
September 15, 2017
Clio Chang
People like Chelsea Manning have always been unwelcome at places like Harvard.
August 2, 2017
Brian Beutler
Trump’s Outrageous Tax Hoax
With tax reform next up on the agenda, how much will the president try to cut his own taxes? And why did he lie to Americans about his returns?
August 1, 2017
Brian Beutler
Hold the Applause for Trump’s New Chief of Staff
Firing Anthony Scaramucci was easy. John Kelly's biggest challenge is to prevent his boss from gutting the rule of law.
July 31, 2017
Clio Chang
Turns out the Mooch front-stabbed himself.
July 27, 2017
Clio Chang
Dancing with the Stars
can survive Sean Spicer. But can the major news networks?
July 24, 2017
Brian Beutler
Donald Trump Is Loyal Only to Himself
The president will betray his political allies without a thought. Jeff Sessions and Sean Spicer learned that the hard way.
July 21, 2017
Brian Beutler
Boycott Sean Spicer
The just-resigned White House press secretary should be toxic to all respectable organizations.
July 21, 2017
Clio Chang
Sean Spicer, I will miss you. Period.
July 3, 2017
Brian Beutler
Bernie Sanders and the Progressive Left’s Selfless Defense of Obamacare
If Republicans repeal the law, single-payer health care could become reality. And yet, unlike the conservative right, the left wing of the Democratic Party is putting the public interest over ideology.
June 27, 2017
Jeet Heer
The United States might be stumbling into a deeper war in Syria.
June 27, 2017
Jeet Heer
Republicans Are Lying Their Way Toward a Health Care Catastrophe
Trump and his enablers brazenly claim the GOP plan isn't a massive cut to Medicaid—and they just might get away with it long enough to screw millions of poor Americans.
June 23, 2017
Clio Chang
Does Donald Trump know what’s in the Senate health care bill?
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