Yesterday the Supreme Court released its shocking new ruling in the case involving Donald Trump’s demand for absolute immunity from prosecution for insurrection-related crimes. The court gave Trump much of what he wanted, notably ensuring that his trial for the insurrection will be delayed indefinitely. But what’s really worrying is what this ruling could allow Trump to get away with if he wins back the White House. We talked to legal expert Richard Hasen, who just published A Real Right to Vote and regularly writes about Trump’s attacks on democracy, about why the case for alarmism is real and serious. Listen to this episode here.
How the Supreme Court Just Made a Second Trump Term More Terrifying
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling on Trump’s demand for immunity, a leading legal expert explains why there’s deep cause for alarm about what he’ll be free to attempt if he wins again.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, on June 27