The Courting Of Pat Robertson | The New Republic

The Courting Of Pat Robertson

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Sometime between the pan-roasted filet of salmon and Rich Little's dusty impressions, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney strode over to Pat Robertson's table. "He's going to have to do what John F. Kennedy did down to the Houston Baptists," Mr. Robertson told The Observer after the two had talked. "Once he said where he stood, then he allayed their fears. "I don't know if Romney can do that," said Mr. Robertson of the lone Mormon candidate, while adding that "he's an extraordinarily attractive person." But the table of the Christian Broadcasting Network was a magnet for Republican Presidential candidates. "Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Romney and Mike Huckabee--just to name four that have come by the table already," said Mr. Robertson.
The ObserverP.S.ObserverJason Zengerle