Iowa Dems Huff, Puff At Hillary's White House Years | The New Republic

Iowa Dems Huff, Puff At Hillary's White House Years

Saturday Night Obama [Jim Rutenberg, New York Times]: 

"Coup of the Weekend: Barack Obama showed up on 'Saturday Night Live,' unannounced, to deliver the famous opening line, 'Live from New York, it’s Saturday night!' ”

No GOP Strongman in 2008 Washington Post

"For the first time in nearly 30 years, there is no breakaway front-runner for the Republican nomination as the first votes of Campaign 2008 loom, and a new Washington Post-ABC News poll underscores how open the GOP race remains." 

Iowans on the Clinton Vault [John McCormick, Chicago Tribune]:

"With Sen. Barack Obama continuing to directly challenge Sen. Hillary Clinton today -- both in South Carolina and in a Tribune interview -- his presidential primary campaign is also firing from Iowa with a letter challenging her to more quickly make public documents from her time as first lady."

Thompson's Tough Love [Michael Finnegan and Walter Roche, Jr., Los Angeles Times]:

"Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson said Sunday that a friend with a criminal record for cocaine and marijuana sales would remain a top fundraiser for his campaign while he evaluates the situation."

Losing Our Vets [Joelle Farrell, Concord Monitor]:

"As Korean and Vietnam War veterans age and the remaining World War II veterans die, historians believe we may soon have a presidential field with no direct experience in the military."

Riding Rudy In [Carl Hulse, New York Times]:

"Publicly and privately, some senior Republicans are beginning to express the view that former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani may be the Republican candidate who provides the most help to Republican Congressional candidates who need it the most."

--Dayo Olopade