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Cameos: Dodd On Youtube, Huckabee As Edwards

Door Buster [Foon Rhee, Political Intelligence]:

"Since anyone can submit a video to YouTube to pose a question for the Republican presidential debate this week, Democrat Chris Dodd is taking advantage to ask about protecting the Constitution."

PAC-man [Greg Sargent, Talking Points Memo]:

"Earlier today the Hillary campaign opened up another front in the battle with Barack Obama, accusing him of breaking FEC law over a report in The Washington Post that said that Obama's PAC had been spreading donations around to supporters in the early primary states."

In it to Spin [Patrick Ruffini, TownHall]:

"He won’t win the nomination. He won’t win any primaries. But for Ron Paul’s quixotic bid for the White House, it’s 'Mission Accomplished.' "

A Poor Man's Edwards? [Mark Finkelstein, NewsBusters]:

"The former Arkansas governor [Mike Huckabee] found an odd way to refute charges he's not a true conservative, indulging in some class-warfare rhetoric that would have been the envy of the former North Carolina senator [John Edwards]."

No Taliban, No Cry [Ben Smith, Politico]:

--Dayo Olopade