Can Waxman Get Politics Out Of The White House? | The New Republic

Can Waxman Get Politics Out Of The White House?

He wants to try. The Hill reports (via Swampland):

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who has primary jurisdiction over the executive branch, is considering legislation to eliminate Karl Rove-type advisers in future administrations.

The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hints broadly that such a bill could ban the use of federal funds to finance such a politically partisan office.

“Why should we be using taxpayer dollars to have a person solely in charge of politics in the White House?” Waxman said in an interview. “Can you imagine the reaction if each member of Congress had a campaign person paid for with taxpayer dollars?”

It's definitely an interesting idea. But you have to wonder what someone like David Axelrod (or whichever McCain advisor who happens to be on top of the pile at this moment) thinks of it.

--Jason Zengerle