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Even Cnn Is Getting Snarky

 Citing the hysterical opening graf in the AP's dispatch about Sarah Palin's efforts to escape the ongoing investigation into allegations that she abused her gubernatorial power, Eve was wondering if the McCain-Palin whiners had finally been so nasty to/about the media that journalists had at last gotten fed up and decided to fight back. Alas, I seriously doubt journalists are mad enough to do anything drastic--like refuse to cover events at which we're being used as little more than stenographers or, worse still, photo-op jockeys. But this headline on CNN's home page does suggest that the Fourth Estate is miffed enough to start having a little fun with Mac and Sarah: "Ticker: Press gets Palin access for 29 seconds."

Keep it up Team McCain. Eventually the dog will bite back. 

--Michelle Cottle