Breakfast and Health Reform--What Could Be More Fun? | The New Republic

Breakfast and Health Reform--What Could Be More Fun?

It's too early to guarantee that health care reform passes. It's not too early to think about what should happen next.

What will it take to make the final reform plan work--to make sure that it really provides affordable coverage while realigining the health care system to produce higher quality, less costly care? And what can be done now, as the debate moves onto the House and Senate floors, in order to make success more likely?

To help answer those questions, TNR is hosting an all-star event next Tuesday morning in Washington, D.C., bringing together some of the most influential--and well-respected--players in the health care debate. Nancy-Ann DeParle, counselor to the President and director of the White House Health Reform Office, will be there. So will Senator Ron Wyden, along with Representatives Pete Stark and Anthony Weiner.

George Halvorson will be on hand to talk about his experience running Kaiser Permanente; Jon Kingsdale will explain how he and his staff are running the newly reformed system in Massachusetts.

Check out the agenda, which includes a list of confirmed speakers. And, if you'll be in Washington next Tuesday, with free time between 8 and 11 a.m., please join us.

The event is open to the public. But if you're coming, make sure to RSVP by emailing us (events [at] Space is limited and we'll be cracking down on the scalpers.