Watch this elegant carrot and wildlife ballet make VW dealers super uncomfortable. | The New Republic

Watch this elegant carrot and wildlife ballet make VW dealers super uncomfortable.

The protest (performance piece?) was part of the Climate Games, an activist network that describes itself as “the world’s largest disobedient action adventure game.” Within the scope of the Games, environmental activists assemble teams to “unravel the Mesh,” a fancy term for sticking it to the man. 

In the siege on Volkswagen—titled Opération Vivaldi—rabbits, giraffes, bananas, and more descended on the dealership, gracefully—and manically—tossing leaves throughout to the chagrin of employees. 

The network held its first Climate Games in 2014 in Amsterdam, when the city was expanding its port to accommodate a growing fossil fuels industry. In conjunction with COP21, activists planned global actions between November 30 and December 12.