Donald Trump’s doctor is remarkably unconcerned about whether Trump will survive the presidency. | The New Republic

Donald Trump’s doctor is remarkably unconcerned about whether Trump will survive the presidency.


Of all of Trump’s cronies and hanger-ons, none is so charmingly goofy as his physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, author of a strange letter written in five minutes in which he declared, “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Bornstein has resurfaced in a bizarre interview with the website STAT News, in which he offered this incredibly blase assessment of his patient’s ability to survive his term in office. “If something happens to him, then it happens to him,” Bornstein quipped. “It’s like all the rest of us, no? That’s why we have a vice president and a speaker of the House and a whole line of people. They can just keep dying.” Bornstein also said he saw no reason to “share” regular information with the press, offering a very troubling historical analogy: “Ronald Reagan had pre-senile dementia. I mean, seriously, did they share that one with you, or did Nancy just cover it up?”

Bornstein’s attitude to his duties seems to be: “We’re all going to die anyways, so who cares?” That might be the best attitude to have in the Trump era.