In a madcap post-election press conference, Trump attacked “rude, terrible” reporters and proposed to Mike Pence. | The New Republic

In a madcap post-election press conference, Trump attacked “rude, terrible” reporters and proposed to Mike Pence.


Speaking to media on Wednesday, President Donald Trump reacted angrily to questions from CNN’s Jim Acosta about his claims, in the days before Tuesday’s midterms, of a migrant “invasion.” “You should let me run the country,” Trump said. “You run CNN.” When Acosta attempted to press Trump further, he added, “CNN should be ashamed of itself, having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn’t be working for CNN. You’re a very rude person. The way you treat Sarah Huckabee is horrible... You shouldn’t treat people that way.”

When April Ryan, correspondent from American Urban Radio Networks, tried to ask a question, Trump barked, “Sit down. I didn’t call you... It’s such a hostile media. It’s so sad. You rudely interrupted him.”

The president raised the possibility of cooperating with the newly elected Democratic House of Representatives, but also cautioned that he would brook no investigations into his tax returns or cell phone use. As with his tweet earlier in the day, Trump threatened to counter Democratic investigations of his administration with Republican investigations of the Democrats. “If [investigation] happens, we’re going to do the same thing,” Trump said. “And government comes to a halt. And I would blame them.”

Discussing the midterms, Trump suggested that the Republicans who lost did so because they didn’t “embrace” him. “Mia Love gave me no love and she lost,” Trump said, referring to the Utah congresswoman. “Too bad, sorry about that Mia.”

And when asked whether Pence will be his running mate in 2020, Trump turned to his vice president and asked him to stand up. It was awkward: