Grierson & Leitch Episode 58: Logan and The ’Burbs | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 58: Logan and The ’Burbs

Twentieth Century Fox

We’ve settled down from the Oscars and are back into the grind of regular releases. We had two universally beloved releases in two weeks: Get Out and Logan. But maybe we shouldn’t consider them universally beloved, because, well, we’re the low men on the totem pole for Logan. Listen to us explain why.

Then, in our Reboot section, we look back at two well-regarded comedies of the past: 1998’s Waking Ned Devine and 1989’s The ’Burbs. We also start the show off with a special announcement. It involves polyps.

We hope you enjoy. Let us know what you think @griersonleitch on Twitter, or (We’re doing a mailbag show soon, so send us questions.) As always, give us a review on iTunes with the name of a movie you’d like us to review, and we’ll discuss it on a later podcast.