How to Make Dandelion Wine | The New Republic

How to Make Dandelion Wine

Wait for the afternoon heat. Let the sun
open and dry many flowers. Tarry.
If you are in love with a married man,
wade into fields and backyards. Keep low
to the ground. Pick before the first seeds have flown.
Look for yellow of #2 pencils. Van Gogh’s straw bundles.
Collect one gallon blossoms per gallon wine.
Snip off stems and discard each green
collar. Drop in boiling water.
Petals will rise to the top.
Let cool. Test on inside of forearm like baby’s milk.
Add four cups sugar, cake yeast, zest
of lemons. Cover with clean T-shirt.
About two weeks. Long enough
to forget his hands, a balcony,
butter-colored towels.