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Team Trump Is Freaking Out Over Corey Lewandowski’s Return

Donald Trump’s decision to bring back Corey Lewandowski is not sitting well with some of his campaign staff.

Corey Lewandowski at the Republican National Convention
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s new campaign adviser has left the former president’s team worried that there could soon be chaos within their ranks—which might hurt Trump on the field.

Corey Lewandowski’s sudden and mysterious arrival in the Trump campaign earlier this month initially sparked fear of staffing shake-ups.

While Trump referred to Lewandowski, who served as his campaign manager in 2016, as his “personal envoy,” Lewandowski has reportedly referred to himself as the “campaign chairman.” It’s unclear what his job as a senior adviser entails, and the Trumpworld veteran has attempted to distance himself from early reporting that he was positioned above Trump’s campaign co-managers, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.

Earlier this month, Puck News reported that Lewandowski’s appointment could spell trouble for LaCivita and Wiles. There was early speculation that the decision to hire him, which came straight from Trump (who apparently loves to stoke interpersonal drama, according to one of his ex-advisers), was meant to spark a power struggle among his senior campaign staff.

Both Wiles and LaCivita remain in their positions as the campaign approaches 60 days until the polls open, and serious concerns that anyone will be ousted have faded. But now, a new fear has emerged among Trump’s team.

The concern now is whether any potential infighting or new appointments might create an unwelcome distraction from the race, people familiar with the matter told The Guardian. This could present a problem for Lewandowski, who has a history of stealing the spotlight from Trump with his own alleged misconduct.

In March 2016, Lewandowski was arrested for intentionally grabbing and bruising the arm of a female reporter. He was charged with misdemeanor battery, although the charges were ultimately dropped because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him. At the time, Trump defended him, telling reporters, “I think it’s a very, very sad day in this country when a man could be destroyed over something like that.”

But Lewandowski was fired a few months later. He reportedly also had some infighting with Paul Manafort, who ultimately replaced him.

Lewandowski was later ousted as the head of the Make America Great Again super PAC in 2021, after he was accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward a Trump donor.

Trump communications director Steven Cheung dismissed The Guardian’s reporting. “All of these fabricated stories about the campaign are nothing more than click bait,” Cheung said. “None of these palace intrigue stories have been remotely correct.”

Political reporter Jake Lahut spoke with four Republicans familiar with discussions about Lewandowski’s new position, and who’ve previously worked with the GOP operative, about what his return could mean for the Trump campaign.

With Lewandowski’s reinstatement into Trump’s presidential campaign, one can expect a steady slate of unwieldy messaging events and chaotic press conferences, the sources told Lahut.

In an effort to increase Trump’s exposure in the news cycle—which has more or less been taken over by his new opponent—without breaking the bank, Lewandowski has reportedly been pushing for smaller events.

There are also some concerns that Lewandowski’s return could create drama within the Trump campaign. “There’s probably shit brewing,” one Trumpworld source told LaHut. “Like the old days.”

Top Republican Donor Rips Trump Over New Team Members

A major GOP donor is warning Trump about the new appointments to his transition team.

Donald Trump
Emily Elconin/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s decision to bring Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Representative Tulsi Gabbard on his presidential transition team has upset a major Republican donor.

Eric Levine wrote a scathing email commenting on Trump’s move, accusing him of “trying to lose” and saying “It is hard to imagine a more destructive announcement.” 

Twitter screenshot Matthew Kassel @matthewkassel:
In a new email, Eric Levine, a top GOP donor who said last March he would vote for Trump “reluctantly and with reservations,” assails the former president for adding RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard to his transition team:

“It is hard to imagine a more self-destructive announcement.”

(with screenshots of the email)

Levine described Kennedy as “an anti-vax kook who sees conspiracies behind every tree and under every bed,” and attacked Gabbard’s past as a former vice chair of the Democratic National Committee and co-chair of Bernie Sanders’s 2016 presidential campaign. Instead, he recommended that “rather than seeking and coveting the endorsement of fringe candidates with fringe policy positions that offend most Republicans and Independents,” Nikki Haley should be on the transition team.

“It is her voters that he should be focusing on,” Levine wrote.

The GOP fundraiser was already a less-than-enthusiastic supporter of Trump’s 2024 campaign, telling Politico last year that the convicted felon “is a metastasizing cancer who if he is not stopped is going to destroy the party.” But in March this year, he had a change of heart, telling other Republicans in a memo that “reluctantly and with reservations, I have decided I will vote for Trump in November.”

Levine’s opinion is a worrying signal for Trump, who still needs Republican donations to mount a strong campaign between now and November. The donor’s views probably mirror that of many other Republicans, donors and rank-and-file alike, who support Trump generally but aren’t diehard MAGA loyalists. His point about Haley may be prescient, as some supporters of Haley’s presidential campaign have already formed a “Haley Voters for Harris” political action group.

Levine called out Trump for focusing on “fringe candidates like RFK and Gabbard” at the end of his message.

“As a former Haley voter and Reagan Republican, I say to you Mr. Trump, speak to me and my follow [sic] Republicans. Reject the fringes. Fight for the middle. If you do not, you will forever be known from this day forward, as the ‘Former President,’” Levine wrote.

Top J.D. Vance Aide Has Troubling Ties to Shadowy Far-Right Group

J.D. Vance aide Parker Magid has worked for the consultancy group Beck & Stone. Here’s why that’s so troubling.

J.D. Vance speaks in front of a mic. A row of U.S. flags is behind him.
Emily Elconin/Getty Images

J.D. Vance’s press secretary might be even stranger and more frightening than Vance himself.

According to an investigation by The Guardian, the senior aide has a number of connections to far-right think tanks and extremist Christian nationalist groups. Parker Magid was recently promoted to Vance’s press secretary after serving as deputy press secretary since March 2023. Since graduating college in 2021, according to his LinkedIn, Magid has created a troubling “new right” network in a short amount of time.

Before joining Vance’s office, Magid worked for Beck & Stone, a brand consultancy group whose clients include secret societies, “counter-revolutionary” magazines, and think tanks. The firm also has close connections to the Claremont Institute, a right-wing think tank that is also filled with Vance allies.

Beck & Stone is led by Austin Stone and Andrew Beck. Beck identifies as a “civilizationist,” a rebrand of Christian nationalism.* Earlier this year, Beck wrote in the Claremont Institute’s online publication that “those who want Christian civilization should prioritize re-Christianizing America, not re-nationalizing Christianity.”

Recently, Beck & Stone has done work for the far-right organization the Society for American Civic Renewal. Beck claims to have “created the brand identity, designed the mark, and crafted the website” for the men-only club, which, according to a Guardian analysis of internal SACR documents, wants to replace the government with an authoritarian “aligned regime” to achieve “civilizational renewal.” Beck also claims to be a member.

Magid, along with Beck and Stone, also attended a private fundraising event for then Senate candidate Blake Masters in November 2021. Masters, like Vance, is a Peter Thiel–backed far-right political candidate who keeps losing elections, most recently failing to win the Arizona Republican primary for a House of Representatives seat.

If you need any more proof that Trump’s pick of Vance for vice president shows a frightening vision for a more extremist, Christian nationalist country, just take a look at the company he keeps.

* This article was updated to clarify that Andrew Beck was not a co-founder of the Claremont Institute.

How Trump Supporters Conspired to Help Him Influence Georgia Election

Pro-Trump election officials in Georgia changed the state’s election rules in the Republican nominee’s favor.

Donald Trump points at supporters during a rally in Georgia
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Earlier this month, the Georgia state election board voted to make it easier for county election officials to delay or refuse certification of election results. But internal emails obtained by Rolling Stone and American Doom reveal that the 3–2 vote along MAGA lines was fueled by a “wishlist” of documents to the board’s Donald Trump supporters from conservative county election officials.

“Thank you all for agreeing to provide input on this proposed Rule for Certification Documents needed for Superintendents prior to certification,” Dr. Janice Johnston, a Georgia State election board member, wrote on May 12. “What documents and reports do you need to certify the election results?”

That month, despite acknowledging in emails that the errors he had found had only affected “a few ballots,” Gwinnett County election board member—and local election denier—David Hancock demanded more materials to prove that the election had been rigged.

In one such email, Hancock claimed that tens of thousands of Georgia voters were registered to vote in other states. Johnston seemingly agreed with the evidenceless claim, forwarding an email containing 27,000 duplicate registrations that she believed were a “perfect match” for Hancock’s pitch.

“Assuming this data is correct, the systemic problem is either a failure to detect duplicate registrations or a failure to remove duplicate registrations,” Johnston wrote.

The new election certification rules set the stage for chaos come November, especially considering that at least 70 election officials across 16 counties in key swing states, including Georgia, have been identified as pro-Trump election deniers.

Trump praised the MAGA members of Georgia’s board days before the vote, describing Johnston, Rick Jeffares, and Janelle King as “pit bulls fighting for victory.”

“I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the Georgia State Election Board is in a very positive way,” Trump said at his rally in Atlanta. “They’re on fire, they’re doing a great job.”

According to the state election board’s website, the body is “entrusted with a variety of responsibilities and authority to protect all Georgians’ right to cast a ballot.”

“If anyone needed further proof that Donald Trump’s ‘pit bulls’ for ‘victory’ are working in concert with his 2020 election denying attorney, Cleta Mitchell, here it is,” Georgia Democratic Party Chair and U.S. Representative Nikema Williams said in a statement to Rolling Stone. “They’re determined to establish a new power of not certifying an election result should their preferred candidate lose—as Trump did in 2020.”

Georgia has had the largest number of certification refusals since 2020 of anywhere in the country. The five-person board has been accused of ethics violations—including one instance in which its Trump-friendly majority failed to give proper notice to their Democratic colleagues about a meeting that they used to advance changes to state election rules.

New January 6 Footage Reveals Nancy Pelosi’s Fury Against Trump

Previously unaired footage from January 6 shows Nancy Pelosi’s fury against Donald Trump after the events of that day.

Nancy Pelosi wears a mask and gestures as she speaks in the Capitol on January 6, 2021. She is wearing a face mask.
Amanda Voisard/Pool/Getty Images

Previously unaired footage of Representative Nancy Pelosi around January 6, 2021, shows the former speaker’s unfiltered rage against Donald Trump for leading his supporters to the Capitol.

The footage, captured by Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra Pelosi, shows the events of January 5, 6, and 7, including the former House speaker’s evacuation from the Capitol.

“I do not support this,” Pelosi told security personnel as she was escorted out of the Capitol, according to a review of the footage by Politico. “If they stop the proceedings, they will have succeeded in stopping the validation of the presidency of the United States.”

She criticized the Capitol police and other security officials for being caught off guard.

“How many times did the members ask, ‘Are we prepared? Are we prepared?’ We’re not prepared for the worst,” Pelosi said. “We’re calling the National Guard, now? It should’ve been here to start out. I just don’t understand it. Why do we empower people this way by not being ready?”

Pelosi and other congressional leaders were sent to Fort McNair and watched news footage while they waited for the Capitol to be secured. After Trump’s video statement praising the rioters, repeating his allegations of a stolen election, and telling rioters to go home, they were furious.

“We shouldn’t let him off the hook, Nancy. We issued a statement saying he’s got to make a statement. He comes up with this BS,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, referring to Trump.

“Insurrection. That’s a crime, and he’s guilty of it,” Pelosi replied a minute later.

After finally leaving the Capitol after midnight, Pelosi began to plan how to respond to Trump and the unrest he had fomented.

“I just feel sick about what he did to the Capitol and the country today,” Pelosi said as she sat exhausted in the back of her SUV. “He’s got to pay a price for that.”

The footage also captured Pelosi on the morning of January 7, preparing to return to the Capitol and planning how to respond to the actions of the previous day. She spoke to top aides about remarks she planned to deliver at a press conference, and tried to keep the focus on Trump as opposed to Capitol law enforcement.

“I think our focus has to be on the president. Let’s not divert ourselves,” Pelosi said, responding to communications director Henry Connelly recommending a call for Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund to resign.

When another aide followed up that “the press is very focused on this,” Pelosi replied that she didn’t “want to have it on a par with the insurrection and impeachment and all of that.”

But, Pelosi didn’t want to say definitively that the House would impeach Trump, because she wasn’t sure she would have every House Democrat on board, particularly the conservative Blue Dog faction.

Pelosi also asked her aides for a list of Trump’s cabinet so that she could identify them by name in her statement to invoke the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and have him removed from office. She said she intended to describe the future convicted felon as a “domestic enemy in the White House.” 

“Let’s not mince words about this,” Pelosi said. Her statement would end up leaving out the domestic enemy line as well as Trump’s cabinet.

Republicans on the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee have already issued a statement criticizing Pelosi for shifting “the focus of the failure on President Trump” rather than taking “responsibility for her failure to secure the Capitol grounds on January 6.” But, other footage released earlier this year hasn’t exactly helped their cause. Meanwhile, special counsel Jack Smith is reviving the case against Donald Trump for his actions on that day.

Harris Scores Major Win in Crucial State in Clear Sign of Momentum

North Carolina is starting to look less and less Republican, thanks to Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris speaks onstage at the Democratic National Convention
Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg/Getty Images

It’s officially anybody’s game in North Carolina, a key battleground state.

The Tar Heel State is looking at a “toss up” between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, according to the Cook Political Report out Tuesday—a change from its previous “leaning Republican” status.

It’s not clear that Harris is picking up any Trump voters, moreso that she is shoring up support among Democratic and independent voters, gaining 13 points with each group.

Across the board, it seems that North Carolina is slipping further out of the grasp of Republicans. Sabato’s Crystal Ball has also recently updated its rating of North Carolina’s gubernatorial race, from “toss-up” to “leaning Democratic,” signaling a slight shift in the race for Josh Stein over Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, the MAGA acolyte who once proclaimed that some folks need killing!

The Trump team has been forced to play defense in North Carolina, which the former president won by an extremely thin margin of 1.34 percent in 2020. Since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, Trump has made three campaign stops in North Carolina. Earlier this month, Trump appeared at a messaging event in Asheville, which predictably devolved into his usual word salad and ad hominem attacks against Harris. In Asheboro, Trump repeatedly complained about his team’s desperate attempts to keep him on topic.

Harris debuted her economic agenda at an invite-only rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, and another event was canceled due to inclement weather. That trip was her eighth visit to the state in a year, having visited twice previously as part of Biden’s campaign.

Fox News’s Jesse Watters Doubles Down on Gross Harris Comments

Just hours after he was forced to apologize on air for horrific comments he made about Kamala Harris, Jesse Watters did it again.

Jesse Watters sits on the set of his Fox News show
Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

Fox News’s Jesse Watters still has some more chauvinistic insults in the tank for Vice President Kamala Harris.

During a monologue on his show Tuesday night, Watters questioned if voters were willing to “gamble our country away on a frightened woman,” referring to none other than the storied former prosecutor.

“Democrats haven’t decided what Kamala Harris believes in,” Watters said. “They haven’t decided. Is she a Joe Biden Democrat or a Trump Republican? Is she Joe Biden’s vice president or just a former prosecutor? Is she the border czar or not?”

“Kamala Harris pretends to be somebody she’s not and doesn’t know what she wants to do until her campaign tells her,” Watters continued. “When world leaders stood across the poker table from Kamala Harris, they smell fear. They know her tells.”

“Are you gonna gamble our country away on a frightened woman too insecure to tell us who she is?” he probed.

On Monday, Watters disturbed even his fellow The Five co-hosts with his gross remarks. They called him out on-air for saying that Harris would “get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her.”

The lurid language ushered an immediate reprimand from Jeanine Pirro and Dana Perino, with Pirro telling the Fox staple to “take it back.” But instead of listening, Watters opted to double down, insisting (with a smirk) during Tuesday afternoon’s episode of The Five that he didn’t mean anything sexual by it.

J.D. Vance Says Childless Leaders “Disturb” Him in Deranged Audio

Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance is grossly obsessed with women—and teachers—who don't have children.

J.D. Vance speaking
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Yet another rant about childless people has been uncovered from the J.D. Vance vault. This time, an audio recording from 2021 showcases Vance making rude remarks about childless teachers, including American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

“So many leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they are people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children,” Vance said. “Randi Weingarten, who is the head of the most powerful teacher’s union in the country, she doesn’t have a single child.”

Speaking at a Center for Christian Virtue leadership forum in 2021, Vance went on to add that if Weingarten “wants to brainwash or destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.”

For the record, Weingarten does have a family of her own. Her wife is a stepmom of two children, but that hasn’t stopped other conservatives, such as Senator Tom Cotton and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, from criticizing the union leader with the same talking point.

Weingarten, who spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week and whose union endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, took to X to respond to the rude remarks. “Gross! JD Vance’s comments are sad and insulting to millions of modern families, and school teachers including Catholic nuns, none of whom should be targeted for their family decisions,” she said.

Ex-Adviser Slams Trump for Getting Pushed Around by Foreign Leader

H.R. McMaster said that Chinese leader Xi Jinping handily manipulated Donald Trump.

Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump was easily taken advantage of by foreign leaders, according to a new book by one of the former president’s ex–national security advisers.

In At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster detailed the inner workings of the Trump administration between February 2017 to April 2018. McMaster has given new insight into just how easy it was for foreign leaders to outwit Trump, who has been desperate to paint himself as a strongman on the international stage.

According to The New York Times, McMaster wrote that he once tried to prepare Trump for a trip to China in November 2017, the “most consequential” stop on the former president’s tour through Asia. McMaster recalled attempting to explain to Trump that Chinese President Xi Jinping would attempt to get Trump to say things that were good for China, but not in the best interest of the U.S. and its allies. McMaster warned Trump to steel himself, and the former president seemed to understand.

When it came time to meet with Xi, however, everything came apart. Trump ended up mindlessly agreeing with Xi that South Korea’s military exercises were “provocative” and a “waste of time.” Trump also suggested that China might have a legitimate claim to the Senkaku Islands, which have been controlled by Japan since 1895.

Dismayed, McMaster wrote a note to Trump’s chief of staff, General John Kelly, bluntly stating that Xi “ate our lunch.”

McMaster also wrote that he’d once been asked by Trump to deliver a fawning message to Russian President Vladimir Putin, scrawled across a New York Post article that reported Putin had slammed the U.S. political system but found Trump notably compliant. “I have no disappointment at all,” Putin reportedly said about Trump.

McMaster refused to pass on the note, later telling a furious Trump that it would “reinforce the narrative that you are somehow in the Kremlin’s pocket.”

McMaster wrote that Putin, “a ruthless former KGB operator, played to Trump’s ego and insecurities with flattery,” attempting to create a rift between Trump and those on his staff who sought a tougher stance against Russia. McMaster warned the former president that Putin “was not and would never be Trump’s friend,” but Trump didn’t take the straight talk very well.

And in an interview on CNN earlier this week, McMaster said that Trump forced the Afghan government to release 5,000 members of the Taliban, as part of his negotiations for a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

More about Trump’s relationship with strongmen:

Idiot Trump Makes Crazy Claim About Jesus Influencing Election

Donald Trump wishes Jesus Christ were an election official.

Donald Trump at a campaign event
Emily Elconin/Getty Images

California has not voted Republican in a presidential election since 1988, but Donald Trump believes in a (higher) power that could change that.

During an hour-long interview with Dr. Phil released Tuesday, in which the Republican presidential nominee rehashed his favorite talking points, including denigrating Vice President Kamala Harris as a Marxist, Trump seemingly set the stage to challenge California on voter fraud allegations. He claimed that he could win the Golden State if “Jesus came down” and counted the “honest” votes.

“It shouldn’t be allowed. It’s a whole different mindset,” Trump said, referring to mail-in ballots. “Republicans like to go in there Tuesday and vote. And that’s been for, you know, a long time, many years, decades, decades. It’s a custom almost. It’s a family custom. It’s a beautiful thing.”

But, according to Trump, Democrats “play a different game.”

“You have ballot harvesting, but you also have people getting ballots. In California, you have people getting seven ballots. Democrats,” he said, arguing that he “automatically” lost California because he was a Republican.

“I guarantee if Jesus came down and was the vote counter I would win California, OK?” said Trump. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter—a really honest vote counter—I’d do great with the Hispanics. Great. At a level that no Republican’s ever done. But if we had an honest vote counter I would win California.”

“I go around California, they have Trump signs all over the place,” he continued. “It’s a very dishonest—everything is mail-in.”