3 Movies to Watch: a Sci-Fi Drama, a Superhero Classic, and an Underrated Indie | The New Republic

Grierson & Leitch Episode 9: “Midnight Special,” Batman/Superman rankings, and “Frank”

Courtesy: Warner Bros.

Film critics Tim Grierson and Will Leitch start this week’s episode off with a discussion of director Jeff Nichols’s new film, Midnight Special, Michael Shannon. Grierson is a huge fan of the Take Shelter director, while Leitch needs a bit more convincing. Could this be the movie that sways him?

Then, in anticipation of the upcoming release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, they take this opportunity to talk through their ratings of all the past Batman and Superman movies. Discussion highlights include: Prince’s amazing 1989 Batman soundtrack, the Superman movie that Richard Pryor stumbles his way through, and Heath Ledger’s epic Joker performance.

The guys close out the show by revisiting a listener-suggested movie: the offbeat 2014 comedy Frank, directed by Lenny Ambrahamson and starring Michael Fassbender. To hear one of your favorite movies discussed on the show, submit an  iTunes review of the podcast and include the name of a film at the end—it could be selected next.

Follow Grierson & Leitch on Twitter @griersonleitch or visit their site griersonleitch.com. To ask questions or comment about the podcast, email the guys at griersonleitch@newrepublic.com.