Republican Lawmakers Beg Supreme Court to Overturn Marriage Equality
The Supreme Court could soon get its first request to gut the landmark ruling allowing same-sex marriage.
Idaho’s House of Representatives is asking the Supreme Court to undo its decision on same-sex marriage.
The state legislature chamber voted 46–24 Monday in favor of passing House Joint Memorial 1, calling on the Supreme Court to reverse its 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges “and restore the natural definition of marriage, a union of one man and one woman.”
State Representative Heather Scott, a Republican who sponsored the memorial, provided flimsy reasoning behind the measure, saying that the power to define marriage belonged to the states.
“I would ask you to substitute any other issue and ask yourself, ‘Do I want the federal government creating rights for us, for Idahoans?’” Scott said during debate on the floor of the state legislature, according to the Idaho Capitol Sun.
“So, what if the federal government redefined property rights or nationalized water rights?” Scott said. “What does that look like if they came up with some new fair use policy or came up with different ways to define property rights? That is not a decision for the judges; it is a decision for the states.”
But the memorial specifically urged the Supreme Court to define marriage, not what the states control.
Scott also claimed that Obergefell undermined religious freedoms and that Christians were being “targeted.”
Monday’s measure was developed by MassResistance, an anti-LGBTQ hate group that is sowing trans panic in state legislatures across the country.
Despite opposition on both sides of the aisle, including 15 Republicans who joined every House Democrat, the GOP was still able to pass the measure because it holds a supermajority in the legislature. The memorial will now head to the Republican-controlled state Senate, and, if it passes, it will become law without needing the governor’s signature.
But a memorial is more of a formal letter than a law, and it carries no enforcement power.
If the measure becomes law, it’s not clear that the Supreme Court would even be compelled to take up Idaho’s question—but it would certainly send a message to the LGBTQ residents of that state.
In 2006, Idaho voters passed an amendment to the state constitution that said that “marriage between a man and a woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.” That law was ruled unconstitutional in 2014, the year before Obergefell effectively legalized same-sex marriage by ruling that it was discriminatory to deny same-sex couples marriage licenses.
While the Respect for Marriage Act requires all states to recognize same-sex marriage performed in other states, the right to same-sex marriage was never formally legalized on the federal level. So if the Supreme Court were to overturn Obergefell, gay marriage rights would go with it.