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The New Republic
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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Charles Koch
January 16, 2025
Malcolm Ferguson
Trump Announces Troubling Blacklist for White House
Donald Trump has a lengthy list of who will be banned from his next administration.
September 1, 2022
Blaise Malley
Can the Quincy Institute Survive Putin’s War?
It was easy when foreign policy intellectuals of the left and the anti-neocon right got together to oppose U.S. aggression. But what about when the aggressor is someone else?
March 9, 2021
Katherine Stewart
How Big Money Is Dividing American Catholicism
A schism in the faith between liberals and conservatives is being exacerbated by a group of plutocrats.
January 11, 2021
Katie McDonough
Die Laughing at the Capitol
The storm on Congress was extremely goofy and deadly serious. Making sense of it will require some dexterity.
November 17, 2020
J.C. Pan
Charles Koch Got the Free-Market Dystopia He Wanted. Now He’d Like Your Approval.
The same billionaire who refashioned the American political system to suit his needs is now calling for bipartisan cooperation—on his terms.
October 12, 2020
Alex Shephard
Oligarch of the Month: Leonard Leo
The Washington insider has been working for decades to put conservatives on the state and federal bench.
August 28, 2019
Alexander Sammon
Oligarch of the Month: Charles Koch
Has this latter-day John D. Rockefeller found his inner peacenik?
August 27, 2019
Adam Eichen
How David Koch’s 1980 Fantasy Became America’s Current Reality
Koch poured $2 million into an embryonic Libertarian Party to buoy his run for vice president. He knew he wouldn't win—but that wasn't the point.
August 23, 2019
Emily Atkin
How David Koch Changed the World
Few humans hold more responsibility for the unfolding climate crisis than David Koch, the 79-year-old oil magnate who died this week.
July 31, 2018
Emily Atkin
Charles Koch’s Bipartisan Delusion
The billionaire leader of the powerful political network says he's willing to work with Democrats who share his values. Which values would those be?
June 19, 2018
Jeet Heer
The Koch brothers know how to play the long game to change America.
June 8, 2018
Jeet Heer
The Koch Brothers are the Cain and Abel of plutocratic politics.
September 25, 2017
Graham Vyse
Betsy DeVos is headlining Harvard’s Koch-backed conference on school choice—with no critics of school choice.
September 12, 2017
Alan Wolfe
Rules for Radicals
A right-wing economist’s plan to rig democracy for the rich.
June 27, 2017
Alex Shephard
The Right’s War Against Liberal Democracy
Nancy MacLean discusses her new book about James McGill Buchanan, who helped shape the modern right’s antipathy toward democracy itself.
January 30, 2017
Alex Shephard
The Kochs helped get us into this mess. Don’t let them off the hook.
October 31, 2016
Clio Chang
Charles Koch just totally set himself up to be owned by Bernie Sanders.
May 17, 2016
Aaron R. Hanlon
The “Free Speech” Charade
What Michael Bloomberg and Charles Koch really mean when they say colleges are "stifling free speech."
May 16, 2016
Adam Peck
The GOP’s most dependable sugar daddies might be putting away the checkbook.
January 12, 2016
Ryu Spaeth
What’s worse, having a father that helped the Nazis or blackmailing your gay brother?
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