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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
February 7, 2022
Jeffrey C. Isaac
Todd Gitlin’s Work Against the Dark
The enormously influential intellectual, who died over the weekend at 79, kept up the fight until the very end.
January 11, 2021
Jo Livingstone
Why America Loves the Death Penalty
A new book frames this country’s tendency toward state-sanctioned murder as a unique cultural inheritance.
October 31, 2017
Jo Livingstone
Casts Masculinity as Society’s True Criminal Element
The new Netflix show about serial killers is as much about the men in law enforcement as the men who murder.
December 4, 2015
Elizabeth Bruenig
Death-by-assault rates are highest in the South and especially high in Louisiana.
November 19, 2015
Jeff Nunokawa
Dream Catchers
How a 1950s professor built a gigantic database of thoughts and feelings.
November 10, 2015
Malcolm Harris
Conning the Hustlers
A new look at New York’s secret workers
July 15, 2015
Steven Lubet
Ethnography on Trial
Alice Goffman's acclaimed book "On the Run" tells a compelling story. But can we trust it?
June 3, 2015
Steven Lubet
Alice Goffman's Denial of Murder Conspiracy Raises Even More Questions
The sociologist wrote about joining a murder plot. Now she insists that it was "not about actual violence."
May 27, 2015
Steven Lubet
Did This Acclaimed Sociologist Drive the Getaway Car in a Murder Plot?
The questionable ethics of Alice Goffman's "On the Run"
December 18, 2014
Alice Robb
Watching Colbert Makes Conservatives Even More Conservative
November 7, 2014
Molly Mirhashem
Why Do Some High Schools Have 'Mean Girls' and Others Don't? A New Study Explains
October 14, 2014
Alice Robb
Here's What Happens When Hasidic Jews Join the Secular World
October 1, 2014
Alice Robb
Juries Dole Out Harsher Sentences to Non-Citizens
September 22, 2014
Jordan Michael Smith
Want to Be Happy? Stop Being So Cheap!
An interview with the authors of an enormous new study of generosity
August 27, 2014
Alice Robb
Short Men Make Better Boyfriends and Husbands
They're less likely to divorce and they do an extra hour of housework each week
August 17, 2014
Alice Robb
What Happens When Evangelical Virgin Men Get Married? This Secular Female Sociologist Found Out.
July 18, 2014
Alice Robb
Unhappy Marriages May Produce More Daughters
Upending a decades-long assumption that having daughters can lead to higher rates of divorce
July 10, 2014
Alice Robb
Grown Women Don't Need a 'Best Friend'
No matter what Amy Poehler tells you
July 1, 2014
Alice Robb
Facebook Did Screw With You, and It Wasn’t Even Worth It
June 25, 2014
Alice Robb
A Sociologist's Advice to Gary Oldman: Act More Mortified
Defining the keys to a successful apology
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