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Marjorie Taylor Greene Pushes Dumbest Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Yet

MTG has found a new scapegoat for Hurricane Helene and the damage it has caused.

Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking in a congressional briefing
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene pushed a preposterous conspiracy theory Thursday that someone at the very top created Hurricane Helene.

While many Republicans, like Donald Trump, have been quick to criticize the federal response to Hurricane Helene, Greene has started pointing fingers as to who could possibly be behind the weather event, which most normal people would understand to be caused by hot air and cold air.

“Yes they can control the weather,” Greene wrote in a post on X. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

Many online were disturbed by Greene’s vague use of “they,” because outlandish accusations about controlling the climate are typically antisemitic conspiracy theories—to which Greene is no stranger.

Earlier that evening, Greene posted a photograph in an attempt to further push conspiracy theories about the area impacted by the deadly Category 4 storm. 

 “This is a map of hurricane affected areas with an overlay of electoral map by political party shows how hurricane devastation could affect the election,” she wrote.

Twitter screenshot Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 @mtgreenee:
This is a map of hurricane affected areas with an overlay of electoral map by political party shows how hurricane devastation could affect the election.

(with map highlighting blue and red portions of the southeast)

It seems that Greene believes that Democrats somehow created the storm to try and harm Republican voters. This is a significant, and grotesque escalation from Trump’s already wild theory that the Biden administration purposefully neglected Republican areas in its federal response to the storm.

Of course, the only person who had ever done something like that is Trump himself, who reportedly withheld aid to California after the deadly wildfires in 2018, until his team could provide polling that people there had in fact voted for him.

“You’re a Charlatan”: Pro-Trump MAGA Clerk Is Going to Prison

“You are no hero,” the judge told her in delivering the sentence for election tampering. “You cannot help but lie as easy as you breathe.”

Colorado Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters
Marc Piscotty/Getty Images

A former Colorado county clerk was sentenced to prison Thursday for tampering with voting machines in the 2020 election and was thoroughly dressed down by the judge in her case.

Former Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters was sentenced to nine years for allowing a man to use a security card to access her county’s election system, and deceiving investigators about who the person was. He was later determined to be working with MAGA gadfly and pillow magnate Mike Lindell, a prominent election denialist and supporter of Donald Trump.

“I am convinced you would do it all over again if you could. You’re as defiant as any defendant this court has ever seen,” District Judge Matthew Barrett told Peters in announcing the sentence. “You are no hero. You abused your position and you’re a charlatan.”

Barrett said that Peters, a Republican, didn’t take her job seriously, espousing claims about rigged voting machines even after they were disproven. During the trial, prosecutors said that Peters was seeking attention after associating with election denialists, and Peters remained unrepentant about her crimes.

“I’ve never done anything with malice to break the law. I’ve only wanted to serve the people of Mesa County,” Peters told the court before she was sentenced. She tried to repeat her claims about “wireless devices” and software that altered ballot images, only to be rebuked by Barrett, who said that no discrepancies were found in ballot recounts.

“I’ve let you go on enough about this. The votes are the votes,” Barrett said. He added that Peters made multiple appearances broadcasted to fellow election deniers for her own gain.

“It’s just more lies. No objective person believes them. No, at the end of the day, you cared about the jets, the podcasts and people flying with you,” said Barrett. “You cannot help but lie as easy as you breathe.”

While Peters will be going to prison, at least 70 other pro-Trump election denialists today are working in election offices in battleground states across the country, according to a July report. In Georgia, the state election board has been upended by pro-Trump appointees trying to give him every advantage in November to prevent Kamala Harris from winning, as Biden did in 2020. Hopefully, Thursday’s sentence discourages other attempts at election interference, otherwise November will be chaotic.

Republican Rep. Has Weirdest Defense Ever for Blackface Costume

Representative Mike Lawler said he was a “student of history” when asked about the resurfaced photo.

Representative Mike Lawler looks up
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images

New York Representative Mike Lawler gave the strangest defense for once wearing blackface as part of a Michael Jackson Halloween costume.

A photograph of Lawler from 2006, showing him posed like the iconic singer with brown makeup applied to his face, was obtained by The New York Times and published Thursday. Lawler, who is 38, would have been 20 years old when the photo was taken.

In a statement, Lawler did not deny the photo’s authenticity. “The ugly practice of blackface was the furthest thing from my mind,” he said. “Let me be clear, this is not that.”

“I am a student of history and for anyone who takes offense to the photo, I am sorry,” Lawler said. “All you can do is live and learn.”

It’s unclear why Lawler referred to himself as a “student of history” in his apology. Was it to signal that no one needed to chastise him for doing something so obviously and historically wrong? If Lawler knows that to be the case, it’s even stranger that he did it in the first place.

This latest scandal has the potential to affect Lawler’s reelection, as he is currently running in a toss-up race against former Democratic Representative Mondaire Jones for New York’s 17th congressional district seat.

Lawler has attempted to paint himself as a moderate, and was even lauded by President Joe Biden, who called him “the kind of guy that when I was in the Congress, the kind of Republican I used to deal with.” However, a ProPublica study found that Lawler voted in line with MAGA Representative Marjorie Taylor Green 81 percent of the time.

Last month, Rockland Republican Party Chairman Lawrence Garvey accused Lawler, among several other lawmakers, of retaliating against him for attempting to block an illegal $60,000 corporate donation through the state Republican Party.

Trump Team Unveils Disturbingly Racist Signs at Campaign Rally

Someone on Trump’s campaign thought it was a good idea to hand out signs with a slogan regularly used by a white nationalist group.

Donald Trump smiles at a campaign rally. Members of the crowd cheer and take photos.
Emily Elconin/Getty Images

Donald Trump’s campaign handed out signs with a slogan used by white supremacists at his Saginaw, Michigan, rally Thursday.

The signs read “Reclaim America,” a phrase the white nationalist group Patriot Front uses regularly. The group, which splintered from the neo-Nazi Vanguard America, has long used the slogan in an effort to make white supremacist ideology palatable to a wider audience. The slogan has been used in Patriot Front banners in marches and flyers across the country. On Thursday, the preprinted signs with the same slogan were handed out before Trump spoke.

While they were being distributed, the chair of the Michigan Republican Party, former Representative Pete Hoekstra, told Trump’s fans that they were appreciated.

“You’ve got to put on a great show today, and the president will recognize your efforts,” said Hoekstra, who served as U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands during Trump’s presidency.

Who was behind the decision to use the slogan is unknown, although one wonders if they have ties to Patriot Front. At a Patriot Front rally in Nashville in July, the racist group’s members chanted “Sieg Heil” and “Deportation saves the nation,” while proudly displaying the “Reclaim America” slogan on a large banner. Trump supporters would likely agree with the latter chant at least, considering the former president’s plan for mass deportations.

Trump has flirted with white nationalism in the past, including during his 2024 campaign. He has complained about “anti-white racism,” and some of Trump’s confidants plan to use civil rights laws to combat the made-up problem if he returns to the White House. Trump infamously told the fascist Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” at a 2020 presidential debate.

Over the summer, though, Trump drew the ire of prominent neo-Nazi Robert Spencer, who thought some of the racist attacks on Kamala Harris went too far. Perhaps this is a “sign” that Trump still has white nationalist support and thinks it can help him win in November.  

Trump’s True Crowd Size Exposed in Embarrassing Video

Donald Trump always insists he has the biggest crowds. The truth looks a little different.

Donald Trump gestures while speaking at a campaign event
Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump was an hour and a half late to his rally in Saginaw, Michigan, on Thursday, but even the extra time couldn’t muster more people to line the stadium.

“Who else fills big places like this at three in the afternoon?” Trump asked the roaring crowd.

But from another perspective, it was evident that the Republican presidential nominee had only filled a fraction of the event space.

Another clip of the space showed the empty, fluorescent backdrop to his speech.

The low turnout is significant for a candidate who has frequently attacked his political opponents for their inability to draw as many people as he’s historically attracted to his boisterous, sprawling campaign stops.

In 2016 and 2020, Trump relied on the visual logic of his loaded rallies—and, by extension, the lackluster crowds attending his opponents’—as evidence of his titanic popularity among everyday Americans. But Kamala Harris’s ability to meet and even exceed Trump’s numbers has really rattled him, along with the conservative establishment. Just weeks after the announcement of her campaign, news of Harris’s massive crowds reached the top of the Drudge Report, the most heavily trafficked conservative news aggregator, paired with the headline: “HARRIS CROWDS ROIL MAGA.”

Sickening Report Reveals How Trump Played Politics With Disaster Aid

Donald Trump has been accusing Democrats of not wanting to help Republican victims of Hurricane Helene. But a new report exposes his craven hypocrisy.

Donald Trump smiles weirdly

Donald Trump’s attempt to politicize the devastation left by Hurricane Helene isn’t the first time he’s tried to exploit a natural disaster. While he was president, Trump was hesitant to send aid to areas where people voted against him, such as wildfire-stricken California, according to two former White House staffers.

E&E News spoke to Mark Harvey, Trump’s senior director for resilience policy on the National Security Council, who said that Trump didn’t want to send wildfire aid to California in 2018 because the state voted Democratic. But after Harvey showed him voting data from Orange County, California, showing more Trump supporters there than in all of Iowa, Trump changed his mind.

“We went as far as looking up how many votes he got in those impacted areas … to show him these are people who voted for you,” Harvey, who recently endorsed Kamala Harris along with other GOP national security figures, told E&E News.

Former White House Homeland Security adviser Oliva Troye concurred, saying that she would field calls from local politicians around the country asking for disaster relief because Trump refused to provide aid, leading her to frequently ask Vice President Mike Pence to pressure the president. She warned that Trump will play politics with disaster aid again if he returns to the White House.

“It’s not going to be about that American voter out there who isn’t even really paying attention to politics, and their house is gone, and the president of the United States is judging them for how they voted, and they didn’t even vote,” Troye said.

Trump eagerly sent aid to Florida in 2019 after Hurricane Michael hit the state’s Panhandle, according to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s autobiography, The Courage to Be Free. “They love me in the Panhandle,” Trump told DeSantis after he asked for federal assistance.

“I must have won 90 percent of the vote out there. Huge crowds. What do they need?” Trump asked, before directing FEMA to pay 100 percent of the state’s disaster costs. The emergency management agency ended up paying about $350 million more than it would have without Trump’s directive. In contrast, Trump only months earlier threatened to veto a bill in Congress that would have paid 100 percent of the disaster costs in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

Since Hurricane Helene hit the American Southeast, Trump has pushed conspiracy theories that Democrats are neglecting Republican areas hit hard by the storm, doubling down after being called out. Even Republican politicians, like Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, are pushing back against him. But as is often the case with Trump, every accusation is just a confession.

Ta-Nehisi Coates Eviscerates Harris for This Choice at the DNC

Ta-Nehisi Coates slammed Kamala Harris and the DNC for their response to the crisis in Gaza.

Ta-Nehisi Coates speaks into a microphone
Cheriss May/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Ta-Nehisi Coates perfectly dismantled the Democratic Party’s blatant hypocrisy in denying requests for a Palestinian American speaker to address the Democratic National Convention in August.

During an interview Monday night with MSNBC’s Ayman Mohyeldin at the Apollo Theater in New York, Coates criticized the Democratic Party for refusing to agree to requests from the Uncommitted Movement.

Coates took particular issue with the Democratic Party touting the names of activists like Fanny Lou Hamer and Shirley Chisolm but balking at demands for inclusivity.

“And then I’m like, right, but who’s not onstage?” Coates said, as the audience applauded. “Who’s been pushed out of the frame?”

“And I’m hearing all of this talk about, you know, ‘woman’s right to choose’ and protecting the autonomy of women’s bodies, and yet I see onstage some of the very people who have put that autonomy in question,” Coates said.

The DNC’s lineup had included several Republican lawmakers and politicians, including Donald Trump’s former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, conservative talk show host Ana Navarro, and former Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger. In general, Kamala Harris’s campaign has made significant efforts to attract GOP and independent voters, aligning with voices such as former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, a key architect of the Iraq War.

Harris is scheduled to appear with Cheney’s daughter, former Wyoming Republican Representative Liz Cheney, in Ripon, Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Republican Party Thursday, as part of that outreach to GOP and independent voters.

Coates described what it was like to join delegates from the Uncommitted Movement, who began a sit-in outside the convention center after their requests to have a speaker were denied. The award-winning author said that when he saw members of the Central Park Five addressing the convention, it sparked a thought.

“What I know is that when they were going through their stuff, the Democratic Party wanted nothing to do with them,” Coates said of the five.

“They were dehumanized. They were pushed out of the frame,” he continued. “And I’m standing with people who have been pushed out the frame! You know what I mean? And I’m with people whose families are being bombed literally right now! Right now!”

Coates questioned how seriously one could take U.S. and Israeli promises of “Never Again,” while simultaneously funding and conducting a massive military operation in Gaza that has reportedly killed more than 41,500 Palestinians, including at least 16,500 children.

“We ought to hold folks accountable. Like I just, I don’t believe that you get to take Shirley Chisolm, I don’t believe you get to take Fanny Lou Hamer, and then bankroll those bombs to be dropped on people,” Coates said.

Hamer testified before the DNC credentials committee in 1964 to challenge the seating of Mississippi’s all-white delegation to the convention, and advocated for the racially integrated Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party to have access to the national stage.

“If the Freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, I question America,” Hamer told the credentials committee. “Is this America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, where we have to sleep with our telephones off of the hooks, because our lives be threatened daily, because we want to live as decent human beings, in America?”

Trump Faces Fresh Uproar Over Refusal to Release Medical Records

Donald Trump would be the oldest person to serve as president—and he wants no one to know about the true state of his health.

Donald Trump wearing a MAGA hat speaks animatedly
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Donald Trump won’t release even basic medical details about himself ahead of next month’s presidential election, leaving the public to wonder if he’s hiding anything.

Trump promised last month that he would “very gladly” release his medical records, noting that he recently had a medical exam. But when The New York Times asked him for a copy recently, a Trump spokesperson referred them to a one-page letter that his former physician sent to Congress in July, a week after his assassination attempt.

The letter only describes a bullet wound to Trump’s ear and its healing progress, and the spokesperson did not respond to follow-up questions from the Times. It seems to fit a long-standing pattern from the former president, who also refused to release his medical records before the 2016 presidential election. At the time, he released a short letter from his personal doctor, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wildly claiming that Trump would be “the healthiest person ever elected to the presidency.”

Three years later, Bornstein would come out and say that Trump not only personally dictated the letter but also claimed that Trump’s ex-bodyguard raided his office and removed Trump’s medical records. This was followed by years of secrecy from Trump about his health.

In 2020, when Trump was diagnosed with Covid and was hospitalized, his doctors didn’t provide the public with many details about his condition, which was more serious than what was being disclosed. And even after the attempt on his life this July, Trump’s campaign didn’t hold a briefing on his health, make his doctors available to the press, or release his hospital records.

Since President Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential election, Trump is now the oldest candidate in the race, at 78, and if reelected, would be 82 years old by the time his term ends, the oldest president in U.S. history. Biden’s decision to leave the race was in part due to questions about his age and cognitive health, and there’s no shortage of concern regarding Trump’s mental state.

The few details that came out about Trump’s health were during his presidency, showing high cholesterol and obesity. He also bragged about acing a dementia test, though he got all the details of the test wrong in his recollection. Maybe that’s just the tip of the iceberg, and Trump has some worse details that he doesn’t want the public to know.

The less Trump discloses to the public, though, the more speculation takes place. If the former president doesn’t have anything to hide and his health is as excellent as he claims, he should embrace transparency and release detailed records, especially since he’s vying for the most powerful job in the world.

Pennsylvania Town Shreds Far-Right Troll Over Trump’s Immigration Lies

Residents of Charleroi, Pennsylvania, were having none of Donald Trump’s nonsense about Haitian immigrants.

Donald Trump looks down during a campaign event
Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Residents of Charleroi, Pennsylvania, eviscerated a fascist right-wing YouTuber attempting to report on Donald Trump’s claims that the town had been overrun by Haitian immigrants. 

“You’re embarrassing your mother!” shouted one man during an on-the-street interview with Tyler Oliveria, a conservative influencer from California who travels the country producing right-wing propaganda for his 1.8 million subscribers.

Last month, Trump had named-dropped Charleroi during a campaign event, launching right-wing speculation that an influx of Haitian immigrants had caused the town to become “virtually bankrupt.” Despite testimony from local officials stating that many of the president’s claims about the town were blatantly untrue, Oliveria traveled to Pennsylvania to speak with residents about the president’s outlandish accusations. 

Suffice to say, his blatant trolling was met with some hostility. 

“You’re silly, look at you, drinkin’ Monsters. You got a girlfriend?” the man asked, eliciting the devastating response from Oliveria, “I like Monster!”

“Bet you don’t got a girlfriend! Call her right now!” the resident shouted as Oliveria laughed, clearly unable to respond. “Bet! Bet! BET! BET YOU DON’T GOT A GIRLFRIEND, BOY! Bet. On camera, you’re a clown!”

“Alright,” Oliveria said, shrugging, as the man walked away. As Oliveria sang circus music to himself, he became distracted as a woman walking down the street behind him began to shout.

“Oh, I need to go back to where I came from? Where?” Oliveria yelled back. “What did I do to you, what did I do to you? What’s the problem?”

“You don’t need to be in Charleroi about these poor Haitian people,” she continued. “Making money, and they work FUCKING hard.”

“There you go, that’s all we came here to understand. Why did you come in here assuming we came here to serve trouble?” Oliveria asked.

“This is my motherfucking town, bitch,” the woman shouted, walking away. “I run this fucking town!” 

Oliveria smiled uncomfortably. “She runs the town, alright. Well, good to know we met the mayor,” he said, turning back to the first resident. 

“Bro, you just need to understand, you’re going to mature,” said the first resident. “Just understand, understand the fact that what you’re doing, you should expect this to happen.”

“I can’t come here and have a conversation with you?” Oliveria asked.

“But keep your composure,” the resident warned.  

Oliveria previously made a video about traveling to Springfield, Ohio, where he interviewed locals about the debunked rumors pushed by the Republican ticket that Haitian immigrants were eating their neighbors’ pets. Oliveria’s video about Springfield was textbook right-wing propaganda, according to The Verge

The video included interviews with some wildly racist locals interspersed with misleading A.I.-generated images, footage of a woman who was arrested for allegedly eating a cat in Canton, Ohio, and footage of gang members in Haiti.

JD Vance Finally Answers That Crucial V.P. Debate Question

JD Vance’s real answer as to whether or not Donald Trump won the 2020 election is terrifying.

JD Vance gestures with one arm while speaking during the vice presidential debate
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Republican vice presidential pick JD Vance might have successfully skirted explaining whether Donald Trump lost the 2020 election during Tuesday night’s debate, but his answer eventually came to light.

While being chased down by comedian Jason Selvig, the MAGA politico admitted that he did believe the former president won the 2020 election. Still, Vance managed to avoid the immediate concern of the question: whether he would support a similar attempt to overturn the November election results if the Republican presidential nominee loses.

“If your opponent gets more votes, will you concede?” Selvig asked, to silence as Vance walked away, in a video posted Thursday.

Vance deflected the direct line of questioning Tuesday while on stage opposite Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. He brought up just about every hot-button topic under the sun—from inflation to Facebook’s content moderation policies—to avoid admitting whether he believed Trump won, and whether he would place his oath of office above his loyalty to the top of his ticket.

Vance still refused to yield, even during a heated back and forth with Walz, who noted that former Vice President Mike Pence’s decision to certify the election results was the reason why Vance was on the stage instead of the Indiana politician.

“Where is the firewall, if he knows he can do anything including taking an election, and his vice president’s not going to stand to it?” Walz asked on Tuesday. “That’s what we’re asking you, America. Will you keep your oath of office, even if the president doesn’t?

“So, America, I think you’ve got a really clear choice on who is gonna honor that democracy and who is gonna honor Donald Trump,” Walz said.