Trump Reveals Sick Profanity for Nancy Pelosi at Final Campaign Rally
Donald Trump ended his campaign by hurling insults at the House minority leader.

Just before Election Day, Donald Trump decided to take a shot at one of his least favorite people: Nancy Pelosi.
At a rally just after midnight EST Tuesday in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Donald Trump, his face plastered orange with bronzer, called the representative and former speaker of the House a “crooked person.”
“She’s a bad person. Evil! She’s an evil, sick crazy b— oh no,” Trump said, raising his finger and miming a b sound with his mouth. “It starts with a b, but I won’t say it. I wanna say it!”
Trump on Nancy Pelosi: She's an evil sick, crazy
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 5, 2024
B -- it start with a B but I won't say it. I want to say it.
Perhaps it’s not the most conventional closing message for a presidential candidate, but for Trump, it’s what one would expect. After all, he has been calling his political opponents the “enemy within” for the home stretch of his campaign, mentioning Pelosi in particular as among the people he would like to use the military against.
Trump has resorted to profanity before, so it’s funny to see him exercise restraint. Perhaps he didn’t want his last sound bite before the election to be an expletive. In the past, Trump hasn’t hesitated to drop some four-letter words, even to a room full of priests at the Al Smith dinner for Catholic charities last month. It’s quite different from another closing message the Trump campaign sent Monday: memorializing a pet squirrel euthanized by New York state wildlife officials over the weekend.
The campaign felt compelled to jump on the conservative cause of the day, the beloved pet Peanut, after Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Collins tied the squirrel’s death to their baseless conspiracy that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are eating their neighbors’ pets. It just goes to show where the campaign’s priorities are on Election Day: taking shots at Trump ’s favorite enemies, and finding some kind of wild conspiracy to stir up the MAGA base.