Pot, Meet Kettle: Tuberville Mocks Biden’s Walk, Forgets Own Viral Fall
The Alabama Republican had the gall to criticize Biden after his own epic stumble, trip, and nosedive down the stairs.

Senator Tommy Tuberville took aim at Joe Biden’s physical capabilities during the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday—conveniently forgetting his own recent struggles.
Republicans have repeatedly argued (and some Democrats worry) that Biden, who at age 81 is the oldest president ever, is mentally and physically unfit to hold office. Thursday was no exception: during an onstage interview, Tuberville claimed Biden has declined so much that “he doesn’t know what day it is.”
Later, Tuberville told Newsmax that it has been concerning to “see [Biden’s] decline over the last few months.”
“I don’t think he’ll make it,” Tuberville said. “Just watched him yesterday walking on a tarmac in L.A. with Nancy Pelosi, shuffling his feet, looking at the ground.”
Tuberville, though, is 69—no spring chicken himself. And the Alabama Republican appears to have conveniently forgotten a major lapse in his own physical abilities, when exiting a plane in October.
The first half of this clip is Tuberville saying today that Biden is too old to run because of how he walks on airport tarmacs, the second half is Tuberville falling down stairs at an airport tarmac. pic.twitter.com/fXMfOjEfsh
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) February 22, 2024
Biden and Tuberville are not alone in their advanced years. This Congress is the third-oldest since 1789, when the legislative branch in its current form was first established. And the Senate is the second-oldest in all of U.S. history.