Tommy Tuberville Can’t Handle Tim Walz’s Hysterical Coach Burn
The Alabama senator is very mad that Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz made a joke comparing their years as football coach.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s dig at Tommy Tuberville didn’t go over well with the Alabama senator.
Walz said at a Boston fundraiser Wednesday that “I feel like one of my roles in this now is to be the anti-Tommy Tuberville, to show that football coaches are not the dumbest people.”
While coaching football at Mankato West High School in Minnesota, Walz won the state championship in 1999. Tuberville coached college football for 21 years, including nine years at Auburn University, where he won an SEC championship after going undefeated in 2004.
On X (formerly Twitter), Tuberville called Walz “an embarrassment to the Coaching profession” in response, and didn’t stop there, hurling several accusations at Walz, from questioning his military career to using the epithet “Tampon Tim.”

Tuberville resorting to the lowbrow attacks other conservatives have lobbed at Walz over the past few weeks seems to have proved Walz’s point. Plus, Tuberville’s record hasn’t done him any favors, either. He couldn’t identify the three branches of government in a 2020 interview, and last year he blocked hundreds of military promotions for almost a year to protest reimbursing soldiers traveling out of state for abortions, only to give up and concede defeat.
During that one-man debacle, Tuberville complained about a weaker military, failing to realize that his effort was contributing to the problem, and also lost the respect of his Republican colleagues for his futile effort. He mocked President Biden’s age and walk despite having his own stumble, trip, and fall down some stairs. He has even lied about the details of his own father’s military service in World War II.
In his short political career, Tuberville has already made several blunders, which still haven’t humbled him. Perhaps he should remember the adage, “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”