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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
government reform
November 30, 2022
Mark Medish
Congress Needs to Rein in Presidential Emergency Powers Now
Several important bills could be combined during this lame-duck session—before Republicans take over and you-know-who might become president again.
November 10, 2022
Alex Thomas
Democrats Have Two Months to Trump-Proof the Presidency
With the party likely to cede the House—if not the Senate—to the GOP, meaningful steps to limit some of the executive branch’s power must be taken during the lame-duck session.
February 14, 2022
Matt Ford
Death to the Acronym Bills!
The not-funny names that lawmakers invent to sell their policy ideas are evidence of a legislative body in deep decline.
June 29, 2021
Osita Nwanevu
The End of American Politics
Everything you think you know about how our democracy functions is about to change.
April 29, 2021
Eleanor Eagan
Trump Holdovers Are Dragging Down the Biden Agenda
In his first 100 days, the president still hasn’t cleared his predecessor’s cronies out of the executive branch, where they’re free to sabotage his presidency.
April 22, 2021
Osita Nwanevu
The Filibuster’s Most Devilish Trick
For lawmakers who want to pay lip service to policies they don’t actually want to enact, the Senate’s Jim Crow relic provides a convenient alibi.
January 26, 2021
Matt Ford
The Senate Is Failing
Nobody does more to dismember the hollow mythology of the “world’s greatest deliberative body” than that body’s members.
January 21, 2021
Timothy Noah
The End of the 40-Year War on Government
Biden’s election can be more than a repudiation of Trumpian misrule. It can reject Ronald Reagan’s cynicism, as well.
December 23, 2020
Matt Ford
Congress Is the Problem Child of American Democracy
If Ted Cruz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have the same complaint, then things must be really broken.
October 28, 2020
Jeff Hauser
David Segal
Beltway Lobbyists Are Clutching Their Pearls Over Biden’s Ethics Reforms
He’s threatened to jam Washington’s revolving door, and the influence-peddlers are in hysterics.
October 19, 2020
Osita Nwanevu
The Constitution Is the Crisis
There’s no reason why a rigged Supreme Court should have the final say on the law of our land.
September 24, 2020
Matt Ford
Weaken the Presidency—Even If Biden Wins
The powers of the executive branch need to be downsized, and only one party seems willing to do it.
September 10, 2020
Matt Ford
Ben Sasse’s Plan to Save the Senate Will Bury It Instead
The world’s greatest deliberative body has seen better days, but the Nebraska senator’s solutions will only continue its downward spiral.
April 21, 2020
Osita Nwanevu
The Right Way to Push Biden to the Left
It’s useless to convince him to adopt progressive policies if he won’t agree to structural reforms.
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