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Desperate Right Winger Tries to Bring Back Birtherism

Celebrated weirdo Laura Loomer has “done her own research” (badly) on Kamala Harris.

Laura Loomer looms outside the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. United States Federal Courthouse in Miami, Florida.
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images
Laura Loomer outside the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. United States Federal Courthouse in Miami, Florida, on June 13, 2023

The right wing is trying to bring back birtherism (the dumb kind) for Kamala Harris. Pro-Trump influencer and failed congressional candidate Laura Loomer tried to start a conspiracy on X (formerly Twitter, the company whose doors she once handcuffed herself to for reasons beyond understanding) Sunday night, posting immigration documents and accusing Harris’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, of committing immigration fraud.

Loomer claimed that the forms she surfaced show that Harris’s mother failed to account for one of her two children on the documents, an omission Loomer said was tantamount to fraud. Unfortunately for the would-be sleuth, her handle on the paper trail was shoddy; as X’s users quickly documented in a Community Note, Loomer had made an omission of her own: The second page of the form in question showed that it was filed months before her second child, Maya Harris, was born.

Loomer hasn’t acknowledged the correction on X, and has continued to post nonstop since Sunday—promoting Donald Trump and trying to drum up other controversies. This hasn’t stopped others on the social media platform from pointing out her (deliberate?) error.

Tweet from @morehockeystuff that reads "Dumbfucks don't understand how citizenship applications are processed. If the alleged form is correct it's an approval form for citizenship. She would have had to apply months or years prior - which at the time she would have had one kid."
Tweet from @scaredketchup that reads "Kamala was born in Oakland, an American citizen by birthright. I don’t believe there are any actions her mother could have taken that would disqualify her. Also HIGHLY unlikely that is the date her mother signed the form as those things take forever to be approved. You’re losing, suck it up, B"

Loomer has a reputation not only for bigotry, but for trafficking in conspiracy theories that have little, if any, basis in the truth. In July, she accused gun violence survivor and former Representative Gabby Giffords of being “brain dead” and having her husband, Senator Mark Kelly, write social media posts for her. This was easily disproved by Giffords’s campaign appearances on behalf of Harris, as well as her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Before Elon Musk bought Twitter and turned it into X, Loomer was banned from the site, only for Musk to reinstate her. The noted Islamophobe is a favorite of Donald Trump Jr., who has recommended her as a possible White House press secretary if his father gets elected in November. But, she also has her enemies on the right, including Trump acolyte Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has called her “mentally unstable and a documented liar.”

As Trump and the MAGA movement desperately try to come up with effective attacks against Harris, it seems that conspiracies of old, used against Barack Obama, are getting recycled in the hopes that they’ll hurt her image. So far, they have been easily parried.

Trump Gets Worst News About Harris Yet in Shocking New Poll

A new poll reveals Kamala Harris’s clear path to victory over Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris speaks on stage at the Democratic National Covention
Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t just caught up to Donald Trump—she’s actually taking some small leads.

According to an NPR analysis of FiveThirtyEight aggregated polling data published Monday, the Democratic presidential nominee has increased her advantage in battleground states. Several states that were previously reported to vote “likely Republican” in the upcoming election—including Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona—are now all considered toss-ups. Other states that were assured to vote Republican, such as Florida, now seem slightly less enthused by the Republican ticket.

Two states that served as tipping points in the 2016 election, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, have transitioned from “toss-up” status to likely Democratic supporters. Harris holds an average lead of about three points in Wisconsin, as well as Michigan, while she has just a one-point lead in Pennsylvania.

Of course, now is not the time to assume that Harris has the election in the bag. The Democrat’s leads are mostly within the poll’s margin of error, and besides that, pre-election polling in the last two cycles has failed to capture the quiet zeitgeist in favor of Trump. As such, Democratic pollsters have warned voters not to get too cozy ahead of November.

“Our numbers are much less rosy than what you’re seeing in the public,” president of pro-Harris super PAC Future Forward Chauncey McLean, who rarely talks publicly, told Reuters last week.

Margie Omero, a partner at the Democratic polling firm GBAO Strategies, expressed a similar sentiment to Politico. “It’s still a very tough race, and that feels consistent with everything we know,” Omero said.

Still, former Trump administration officials were quick to celebrate the shifting tide. On Friday, former Trump Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham shared a Trump tweet bragging that a Rasmussen poll had placed him five percentage points ahead of Harris.

“Rasmussen was the only poll he asked about/we told him about because it was always in his favor,” Grisham posted with a laugh emoji. “There could have been 35 polls saying he was losing & all he cared about was Rasmussen. We used it as a way to keep him happy. #TheEmperorHasNoClothes”

Ex-Adviser Reveals Trump’s Insane, Explosive War on Drugs Plan

H.R. McMaster says Donald Trump wanted to “bomb the drugs” in Mexico.

Donald Trump and H.R. McMaster walk next to each other outside the White House
Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty Images
Donald Trump and H.R. McMaster on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., in June 2017

Donald Trump once pitched blowing up drugs in Mexico, according to his ex–national security adviser, who detailed the former president’s “outlandish” ideas for defense in a forthcoming book.

In At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster detailed the inner workings of the Trump White House, slamming meetings in the Oval Office as “exercises in competitive sycophancy” where Trump made particularly “outlandish” suggestions, according to CNN, which obtained a copy of the book before its release Wednesday. McMaster served in Trump’s White House from February 2017 to April 2018.

When speaking about narcotics in Mexico, Trump once asked, “Why don’t we just bomb the drugs?” according to McMaster. Another time, the former president wondered, “Why don’t we take out the whole North Korean Army during one of their parades?”

This isn’t the first time Trump has decided bombs could solve all problems. In 2019, Axios reported that Trump had suggested multiple times that security officials use nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes from hitting the U.S.

McMaster wrote that Trump’s advisers would continue to praise him no matter how bad his ideas were, saying things like, “Your instincts are always right,” and, “No one has ever been treated so badly by the press.”

McMaster also described Steve Bannon as Trump’s “fawning court jester,” who was able to take advantage of “Trump’s anxiety and sense of beleaguerment … with stories, mainly about who was out to get him and what he could do to ‘counterpunch.’”

“I knew that to fulfill my duty, I would have to tell Trump what he didn’t want to hear,” McMaster wrote. He said that one of the issues on which he most regularly disagreed with Trump was Russia, specifically Russian meddling in the 2016 election, which Trump vehemently denied.

“I wished that Trump could separate the issue of Russian election meddling from the legitimacy of his presidency,” McMaster wrote. “He could have said, ‘Yes, they attacked the election. But Russia doesn’t care who wins our elections. What they want to do is pit Americans against one another.’”

McMaster explained that Trump’s “deep sense of aggrievement” prevented him from making this kind of distinction.

McMaster wrote that Russian President Vladimir Putin, “a ruthless former KGB operator, played to Trump’s ego and insecurities with flattery,” attempting to create a rift between Trump and those on his staff who sought a tougher stance against Russia. McMaster warned the former president that Putin “was not and would never be Trump’s friend,” but Trump didn’t take the straight talk very well.

A source told CNN that Trump had referred to McMaster’s briefings as gruff and condescending. Politico reported that Trump once interrupted McMaster during a briefing, crying, “Look at this guy, he’s so serious!”

In February 2018, McMaster’s determination to hold Russia to account went too far, and he found himself in hot water with his boss.

McMaster publicly stated that the FBI’s indictment of several Russian intelligence officers for interfering with the 2016 presidential election was “incontrovertible” evidence of Russian tampering—but Trump couldn’t handle anyone questioning the results of the election that had placed him in the White House.

“General McMaster forgot to say that the results of the 2016 election were not impacted or changed by the Russians and that the only Collusion was between Russia and Crooked H, the DNC and the Dems,” Trump tweeted at the time. “Remember the Dirty Dossier, Uranium, Speeches, Emails and the Podesta Company!”

McMaster resigned a few months later and was replaced by John Bolton, who wrote his own scathing rebuke of his former boss. Bolton recently said that Trump “can’t tell the difference between what’s true and what’s false.”

While McMaster had skirted away from outright criticisms of his former boss in his previous published works, his post–January 6 account is blistering by comparison.

On January 6, 2021, Trump’s “ego and love of self … drove him to abandon his oath to ‘support and defend the Constitution,’ a president’s highest obligation,” McMaster wrote.

RFK Jr.’s Gross Hobby Exposed in Bonkers Resurfaced Story

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. got up to some fishy business in a resurfaced story from 2012.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claps while onstage at a Donald Trump rally
Rebecca Noble/Getty Images
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at a Trump campaign rally on August 23 in Glendale, Arizona

An extremely gross story about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s hobby of picking up dead animals resurfaced over the weekend—and this one is even more gag-worthy than the last.

In a 2012 interview with Town & Country, Kick Kennedy spoke about a wild excursion she’d taken with her father when she was six years old.

The two traveled to Squaw Island in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, not far from the Kennedy compound, after hearing that a whale had washed ashore. According to Kick, her father had rushed to the scene with a chainsaw, where he cut off the whale’s head. He then proceeded to tie it to the roof of his family’s minivan and drive it five hours back to Mount Kisco, New York.

“Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet,” Kick told the outlet. “We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”

Last month, Kennedy tried to get ahead of a wild story about picking up a bear cub carcass off the side of the road, and then ditching the body in Central Park when he didn’t have time to take it home, and mutilating it to make it look like it had been hit by a biker because he thought it would be funny. After the story broke, Kennedy told a group of reporters that he picked up roadkill his “whole life” and has a “freezer full of it.” That seems more and more true every day.

While it’s not clear that it’s the same vehicle, in a 2023 interview with Kennedy, New York magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi noted that Kennedy’s “dog car”—a beat up Toyota minivan—smelled so rank she thought that she “might pass out after about 15 seconds riding shotgun.”

Kennedy endorsed Donald Trump on Friday. While he did not formally end his own campaign, he bizarrely “suspended” it, saying that he expected to remain on the ballot in several states to divert votes away from Harris and boost Trump—confirming what his own campaign had previously claimed and then denied: Kennedy’s unserious presidential run was never anything more than an attempted spoiler for the Democratic candidate.

Watch: J.D. Vance Fumbles Repeatedly Trying to Defend Trump Campaign

J.D. Vance hilariously failed to defend Donald Trump or himself.

Donald Trump and JD Vance onstage at a campaign rally
Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images
Former President Donald Trump and vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance in Asheboro, North Carolina, on August 21

A one-on-one interview with Meet the Press has done absolutely nothing for J.D. Vance’s likability problem.

NBC’s Kristen Welker sat down with Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick on Sunday, but questions Vance could have used to clear the air with voters were instead used as opportunities to double down on how weird and alienating the fairly unpopular candidate is.

Vance—who has famously likened abortion to murder—insisted that the “childless cat lady” comment he made about Democratic leadership in 2021 was intended to be about wanting to give women more “choices.” Still, he doesn’t regret it.

“You’re calling it a sarcastic comment, and yet some women, and you got the feedback in real time, felt like it was a gut punch to them personally. Do you regret making that comment?” asked Welker.

“Look, I regret, certainly, that a lot of people took it the wrong way, and I certainly regret that the DNC and Kamala Harris lied about it—” Vance started, before Welker interjected to clarify if he regretted saying it.

“Look, Kristen, I’m going to say things from time to time that people disagree with,” Vance said. “I’m a real person. I’m going to make jokes, I’m going to say things sarcastically. And I think it’s important that we focus on the policy.”

“I think it’s most important to actually be the person I actually am,” Vance continued, later commenting that he believed that making the abrasively misogynistic remark was in line with him being a “normal human being.”

“I have a lot of regrets, Kristen, but making a joke three years ago was not in the Top 10 on the list,” Vance added.

In another portion of the interview, Vance seemingly had no response to a question about why Trump is undermining the integrity of the 2024 election before it has even occurred.

“Why is Donald Trump casting doubt on the election before it’s even happened?” Welker asked.

“I don’t think that’s what Donald Trump is doing,” Vance said.

“That’s what he’s doing,” Welker said.

“I think that what he’s saying is that we want to pursue a set of policies in the Republican Party that make it easier for every legal ballot to be cast and counted, but make it harder for illegally cast ballots to be counted,” Vance continued, arguing for reforming election laws by way of the judicial system. “Now, we can disagree about how many of those there are, whether there are a few hundred, a few thousand, maybe more.”

“Do you have faith that the 2024 election will be free and fair?” asked Welker.

“I do, Kristen,” Vance said. “I do think it’s going to be free and fair. And we’re going to do everything that we can to make sure that happens. We’re going to pursue every pathway to make sure, again, legal ballots get counted. But I feel very good about where we are. I think we’re going to win this race, and I think we’re going to win it in a very good election.”

There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, despite what Vance and Trump continue to insist. Vance has also previously stated, including during the current campaign, that it’s up to the candidates to win the support of voters, as opposed to bringing doubt and suspicion to the process in which ballots are counted.

Trump Deletes Truth Social Post After Embarrassing Typo

Is “powerfulnnz” the new “covfefe”?

Trump looking forlorn
Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

Donald Trump has accidentally invented yet another new word: “powerfulnnz.”

During an early Sunday morning posting spree on Truth Social, Trump wanted to congratulate border agents while slamming Kamala Harris, but his (short) fingers got tripped up.

“These are great patriots who work their hearts out to have a Strong and Powerfulnnz Border, only to be harassed by Border Czar Kamala Harris, who wants the,” Trump wrote, before giving up mid-sentence.

Though he ultimately deleted the post, the digital footprint remains.

The blunder may remind Americans of the infamous “covfefe” typo in 2017, when Trump typed, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” then abruptly stopped.

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Lindsey Graham Utterly Embarrassed During Pathetic Defense of Trump

Donald Trump’s own words were used against one of his top defenders.

Lindsey Graham walks in the U.S. Capitol
Kent Nishimura/Getty Images
Senator Lindsey Graham at the U.S. Capitol on August 1 in Washington, D.C.

Senator Lindsay Graham struggled to justify Donald Trump’s outrageous behavior on Sunday, including the former president’s brutal dismissal of his longtime ally.

During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, host Jake Tapper confronted Graham with Trump’s dismissive comments about him.

Last week, Graham had told Meet the Press that Trump “the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election.” Tapper told Graham that Trump had responded to his urging to focus on policy, and played a clip of the former president speaking about the South Carolina Republican.

“Look, I like Lindsey. I don’t care what he says, okay?” Trump said during a CBS exclusive interview. “Lindsey wouldn’t have been elected if I didn’t endorse him. So you know, South Carolina—Lindsey’s my friend—but if I didn’t endorse, he would’ve had no chance of getting elected.”

Graham chuckled awkwardly when faced with Trump’s harsh dismissal.

“Well, I talked to him a couple of days ago now, and all I can say is that President Trump, when he was president of our country, we had the most secure border in 40 years, gas was at $1.87, Russia wasn’t invading Ukraine, the Arabs were making peace with the Israelis. He’s got a lot to be proud of,” Graham replied, continuing to heap praise on the Republican nominee.

“Me and him are good,” Graham added, attempting to sidestep Trump’s derisive response. “We’re going to be together. I’m going to Georgia with him. We’re going to try to have a unity event in Georgia to bring this whole party together. I will be by his side in this election. I am proud of what he did as our president. I look forward to him coming back.”

Throughout his interview, however, Graham continued to express significant differences of opinion from the candidate he was desperately backing. At one point, Tapper asked Graham, a staunch anti-abortion Republican, to respond to a post on Truth Social where Trump promised his administration would be “great for women and their reproductive rights.”

“What exactly is Donald Trump going to do to help women’s reproductive rights’” Tapper asked.

Graham couldn’t account for the president’s statement at all. “I don’t know, you need to ask him about that,” Graham replied, insisting that Trump was a “very good pro-life president.”

“He’s gonna leave the abortion issue to the states. He doesn’t believe there is a role for the federal government, my position has always been to be against late-term abortion. It’s a state issue—up to a point,” Graham said. He added that he had a bill that banned abortion after 15 weeks, which is not late-term. That bill was so unpopular, even within his own party, that it never made it to a floor vote.

Trump’s sudden, and baseless, declaration to advocate for women’s health has led to backlash from his anti-abortion supporters, who feel they have been abandoned by the Republican Party platform as it moves further from a federal ban. On Sunday, vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance said that Trump would veto a national abortion ban.

Tapper also questioned Graham about an upcoming gala to support January 6 rioters, which is set to be held at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. It’s unclear as of yet whether Trump will actually attend the event.

“Do you think it’s a mistake for him to go, and is it a mistake for this event to be taking place at Bedminster at all?” Tapper asked.

Graham said that those who stormed the U.S. Capitol “should go to jail, they committed a crime.” But he tried to equate Trump’s support for the rioters to Kamala Harris’s efforts to raise bail money for protesters in Minneapolis, Minnesota, following the riots over the death of George Floyd.

“So, when it comes to the parties condoning violence, I would say we both should knock it off in that regard,” Graham said.

When pressed on whether Trump should allow the fundraiser, Graham once again couldn’t explain the actions of the candidate he’d come to praise.

“Well, I’ll let him—there are people being held I think that have had their due process rights violated, quite frankly they haven’t been brought to trial yet, I don’t like that very much,” Graham said. “But I’ll leave it up to him, as to what caused his support.”

Panicking Trump Scrambles for New Reason Not to Debate Harris

Donald Trump is once again desperate not to debate Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump speaks into a microphone at a campaign rally
Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

Donald Trump appears to be laying the groundwork to, once again, escape debating Vice President Kamala Harris.

In a late-night post to Truth Social, Trump questioned why he would participate in the September 10 debate on ABC, which he agreed to earlier this month while announcing his intention to participate in two other debates, as well.

“I watched ABC FAKE NEWS this morning, both lightweight reporter Jonathan Carl’s(K?) ridiculous and biased interview of Tom Cotton (who was fantastic!), and their so-called Panel of Trump Haters, and I ask, why would I do the Debate against Kamala Harris on that network?” Trump wrote. “Will panelist Donna Brazil give the questions to the Marxist Candidate like she did for Crooked Hillary Clinton? Will Kamala’s  best friend, who heads up ABC, do likewise.” 

“Where is Liddle’ George Slopadopolus hanging out now?” he continued. “Will he be involved. They’ve got a lot of questions to answer!!! Why did Harris turn down Fox, NBC, CBS, and even CNN? Stay tuned!!!”

Screenshot of a Truth Social post

CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins said she was unsurprised by the development. Speaking on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday, Collins shared that sources close to Trump had revealed that the former president is “really struggling” with the idea of going up against the former prosecutor.

“I still think it’s an open question, whether or not it happens,” Collins said. “I think Trump is nervous about it. I think Trump—I talk to a lot of sources in his world. I think he has really struggled with it. It’s not just a narrative or a talking point from Democrats. He really has struggled with how to combat her.” 

But actually failing to participate could be visually catastrophic for the supposed strongman candidate.

“I think it’s difficult, if not impossible, for him to pull out because his campaign manager had cards printed that said ‘anywhere, time, any place’ for President Biden,” Collins continued. “And it would look weak. But I don’t think he’s looking forward to it at this point.”

The announcement is the second time in a matter of weeks that Trump has reversed course on debating Harris. Earlier this month, Trump said that he had “terminated” the September 10 ABC News showdown over the fact that the Democratic nominee had changed when he had only agreed to debate “Sleepy Joe Biden.” In its place, Trump offered an alternative debate on Fox News in front of a live crowd, which Harris’s campaign did not sign up to.

But that didn’t go over well with his base. In the following days, Second Amendment activists and white supremacists pulled support from the MAGA nominee, and Truth Social users got the hashtag “#TrumpIsACoward” trending on the Trumpian platform after the news broke. 

As of the time of publication, “#TrumpIsACoward” is trending on X (formerly Twitter).

Panicking Trump Is Sure to Freak Out Over Harris’s Speech Ratings

Donald Trump has always prioritized television ratings. The ones from Kamala Harris’s speech will sting.

Kamala Harris speaks at the Democratic National Convention
Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images

The election is still almost three months off, but Vice President Kamala Harris bested Donald Trump in at least one race that’s sure to eat away at the former reality TV star: the ratings game.

Harris’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention captured the attention of 15 million people Thursday night, approximately 20 percent more than the 12.3 million who tuned into the last night of the Republican National Convention to hear Trump accept his party’s nomination.

Several top swing state markets also favored Harris. More viewers tuned in to the vice president’s speech in Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Philadelphia, the last of which saw a 50 percentage point increase over people who watched the last night of the RNC, according to the president of insights and analytics for Fox Entertainment, Mike Mulvihill.

Screenshot of a tweet

“WEST PALM BEACH was the top market for Vice President Harris’s acceptance speech with a 20.2 rating,” Mulvihill wrote in a separate post. “West Palm was also the top market for Donald Trump’s acceptance speech last month (19.9).”

It is possible, though, that the entirety of the Republican National Convention got more viewers than its liberal alternative.

“All week the DNC has had big leads in the overnights and the margins have narrowed in the final nationals,” Mulvihill said. “The 17% gap for last night’s full show is close enough that you can’t rule out the possibility of the RNC having the bigger national audience.”

More about how Trump is handling Harris’s speech:

Power-Hungry RFK Jr. Finally Shows True Colors on Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at a Bitcoin conference
Jon Cherry/Getty Images

In a bizarre exit-not-exit speech, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Friday that he is not terminating his campaign but simply “suspending” it, and expects to remain on the ballot in several states.

The independent candidate was expected to officially announce his withdrawal from the race and endorse Republican nominee Donald Trump during a press conference, but he threw everyone a curveball by opting to remain in the race.

“In a series of long, intense discussions, I was surprised to discover that we are aligned on many issues,” Kennedy said of Trump, recalling a series of calls and meetings that the two had following the attempted assassination on Trump’s life.

The news of the endorsement broke shortly before Kennedy appeared for the delayed presser, revealing itself by way of a Pennsylvania court filing caught by the Associated Press.

“In an honest system, I believe that I would have won the election,” Kennedy said, citing his family’s political dynasty. “I’m sorry to say that while democracy may still be alive at the grassroots, it has become little more than a slogan for our [government.]”

The 70-year-old spent the majority of his exit speech lamenting the current state of the Democratic Party and its decision to nominate Vice President Kamala Harris, all while reiterating falsehoods and talking points touted by Trump via his Truth Social feed.

Kennedy explained he intends to withdraw his name from the ballot of battleground states, but remain on the ballot in other states in an effort to divert votes away from Harris and boost Trump.

“Three great causes drove me to enter this race in the first place, primarily. And these are the principles that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to throw my support to President Trump,” Kennedy said, citing free speech, the Ukraine war, and the “war on our children.”

It remains to be seen exactly how Kennedy’s supporters will be distributed between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Kennedy had retained less than three percent of the vote as of Friday, according to aggregated polling data from The Hill.

The Kennedy family issued a statement against the independent candidate before the presser ended.

“We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride,” the letter, signed by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Courtney Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, Chris Kennedy, and Rory Kennedy, read. “We believe in Harris and Walz. Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”

Kennedy’s endorsement of the Republican nominee may not come as a surprise to those who remember that the pair held a controversial phone call in July in which the former president floated the idea that Kennedy—a notorious vaccine skeptic—could lead the Health and Human Services Department should Trump win in November. (That call was, fascinatingly, leaked by Kennedy’s own son, Bobby Kennedy III.)

Kennedy’s pick for vice president, Nicole Shanahan, who also happened to be one of his primary investors, announced shortly after Kennedy’s speech ended that she approved of the decision.

“You sparked a movement that millions of Americans had been longing for,” Shanahan posted on X. “It has been one of my greatest honors to run this race with you. It has been awe-inspiring to witness the fearlessness you showed in the face of censorship, blatant lies about your character, and even threats against your life. Save our children, Bobby.”

Shanahan’s approval is a dramatic shift from her stance just the day before. On Thursday, Shanahan, also an outspoken anti-vaccine conspiracist, took to the Adam Carolla Show to share that the outbound independent presidential candidate was wavering on his endorsement of Trump.

“The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said, ‘Operation Warp Speed was my fault,’” Shanahan said, referring to the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. “There was a lot that happened under Donald Trump’s watch that should not have happened and cannot happen again.”

“And if we are going to put our bet with him—and we haven’t, we have not confirmed anything—but we need absolute assurance,” she added.

This story has been updated.